Justice and People: Why are the tables turning in India…

Justice and People: In India appealing for justice is easy but when it comes to getting a result it might give you a headache as whatever is going that shouldn’t be going on people asking for money like they have lent it to you in the past and then saying “Is Tareek Pe Aajana“. be it a small car challan or be it a fraud case. we take things very lightly it might be because we have to pack up quickly and then fight at home with our wives. what a track on India is going justice has been taken for granted. but before that, we don’t value our or others’ time as we just chill but why still is India so tensed.

In India, many cases are still pending we don’t know why is it because of fewer judges or our system that is just not trying to improvise on some things. Long ques of cases are piling but many come home un-listened. making it very hard for the public who wants justice. But this is not the correct statement the correct one is yes! cases are heard lighting fast but for that, you must have a source in the system and the case is in your favour spend some money and here you are either on bail or free to go anywhere.

Some cases when heard makes us feel like the Indian judicial system is just poor. it can’t do anything like, in the case of Nirbhaya Rape case all the convicts are behind the bars but still they cant be hanged just because their advocate is trying very hard to protect them. this is an example of how much India likes politics in every part of it just manipulating things when needed. to know more continue on Talepost for more articles like Justice and People and for updates visit our Facebook.

Manish Suyal: