Do you want to save your time? Then try these simple laptop shortcuts…

Laptop shortcuts: Saving time is like saving money, as rightly said: “time is money”. And when you have the option to do so then why not.

Bringing your fingers to the cursor and changing your panel or disrupting any other task of yours in order to use your mouse or the cursor, takes your time as well as breaks your working tune.

To ease your work, and to save your time, here is the list of 10 such laptop shortcuts which will be used frequently and will serve as your time saver.

Laptop Shortcuts to use


It helps to select the entire content present on the tab or the document opened to be selected. This helps you in quickly selecting the entire document rather than crawling down to every line one by one.


Switching to tabs one by one it very tiring, it turns more tiring when we have to switch from an offline page to an online page or vice versa. Now it won’t be tiring anymore just use Alt+ Tab to switch between pages and if working on multiple pages hold alt and keep pressing tab to move to different pages.


It helps to select a line one by one or helps in selecting documents one by one. When you are selective for the content you require or document you require then obviously this an easy way to tackle your problem.

Alt+left arrow

When you have to move back to your previous page you visited on your web browser then hitting the cursor every time to move back is something that is disrupting, in order to break that disruption this laptop shortcut alt+ left arrow key is an easy way to get back to your previous page.

Shift+F7 in word

While writing on word be it an article, essay, any letter or any document we often fall for the need of synonyms thereby we follow the tedious process of right click then synonyms then treasures this is pretty boring but to make it quick, one of the laptop shortcuts i.e. Shift+F7 helps in instantly opening treasures and helping you to hunt for your synonym.


This shortcut helps indirectly opening the tab for printing a particular document or a picture. This way printing further becomes an easy task to do.

Windows key+numbers

This helps you to move from one icon to others in a sequence on the taskbar without using your mouse or cursor thereby preventing us to hold the cursor.

Windows key+ M

This shortcut key helps to minimize all the tabs open on the screen with a control-click of two short keys.

Windows key+L

When you need to instantly protect your PC from an outsider and keep your privacy intact then using this shortcut you can instantly lock your screen protecting it and keeping it safe.

Alt +F4

This shortcut helps in closing all the tabs one by one but if none of the tabs are open you have a vacant desktop on then on using this shortcut you tend to pop up the shutdown option on your screen.

These were some of the laptop shortcuts that I hope will be definitely beneficial to you and will reduce your working hours, making it quick and relaxing.

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Medhavi Singh: Medical professional, Writer and an Author. Aspiring to merge three and lead science to a different parameter.