Every day we see people doing good in various fields and especially in the field of education, there are many people who are really known as famous people in education. From schools to colleges the field of education has taken a really different turn. The main should be to take education at the top rather than getting famous for the same. Here is a list of the people who are really known in the field of education–
Bill Gates–
Who said you can only be famous in the field of education by being a topper? Bill Gates is a role model for millions of people who proved the fact wrong that you can be successful in life just on the basis of your marks. The founder of Microsoft and one of the most influential people in education.

J.K Rowling–
She is the one behind the well-known series Harry Porter, which made almost everyone’s childhood memories. She did not plan to do harry porter very seriously but initially when people started liking the idea she did a great job and today her net worth is around $1 billion.

Steve Jobs–
You cannot complete your list of famous people in education and achievements without adding Steve Jobs. He was a college dropout who has now become the father of the digital revolution. He had an unbelievable career and during the time of his demise he had a net worth of $8.3 billion

Anant Agarwal–
He is an electrical engineering professor at MIT College and he is also the founder of EDX an online learning program platform. He is a well-known face and one of the known people in education. He tries to deliver maximum value and content to most of the possible universities.

Anthony Cody–
Anthony is a blogger, teacher, and co-founder of the Network of Public Education (NPE). He is an active member in the field of education and works for strengthening the US Public School System.

There are a lot of people who have achieved good things in life and have done a lot of things to get a good position in the field of education. Have any of the famous people inspired you by their things? Do let us know in the comment section.