Lockdown 4.0 brings a new set of rules and guidelines, check all

Lockdown 4.0 guidelines: The present the total Coronavirus count is 90,927 which includes 53,946 cases, 34,108 recovered cases, 1 migrant patient, and 2,872 deceased cases. This novel Coronavirus spread has created havoc over the entire globe. To take control over this spread government announced nationwide lockdown. But the repercussions have also started oozing out. People now have started dying due to starvation and lack of basic commodities. The government is not completely able to reach to every needy person ever after trying to help the poor and continuously working in that direction.

We have already been through 3 phases of lockdown. Lockdown 3.0 just ended yesterday and lockdown 4.0 began. But this lockdown 4.0 is a bit different from the previous ones. This phase is pretty liberal. The red zone still has a good amount of restrictions. But this phase is a sigh of relief for the green and orange zone.

Here is a list of things allowed and barred during this phase of lockdown. Basically a complete lockdown 4.0 guidelines are mentioned below. Which has been issued by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare yesterday.

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This is allowed

  • Interstate movement of passenger vehicles and buses is permitted. But that requires mutual consent between the state and UT government.
  • Home delivery of cooked eatables by restaurants is allowed. Thereby allowing eateries to open.
  • All markets and shops are allowed to resume their services but that does not include shops in malls in any zone.
  • Sports activities are set free but spectators are still barred.

Things still on hold

  • No airlines (domestic and international) will resume till 31st May, except the air ambulance.
  • Temples and religious practices still on hold.
  • All schools, colleges, and educational institutions to remain close until 31st May.
  • Cinema halls, gymnasium, shopping malls, theatre, entertainment parks, bars, and auditoriums will remain closed.
  • Metro and rail services will be on hold.

Activities other than mentioned specifically will open. The fresh list of the red, orange, and green zone is to be given by various State and UT governments. Which will specify for the opening of only essential services in containment zones?

Red zone and hotspot areas will have only essential services open with a bit of liberty as mentioned above. And the count of people for marriage ceremony i.e. 50 and for funeral ceremony i.e. 20 remains the same. This was the entire summary of nine page MHA lockdown 4.0 guidelines.

Medhavi Singh: Medical professional, Writer and an Author. Aspiring to merge three and lead science to a different parameter.