Manifesto a summary: Parties Manifesto ahead of Delhi assembly election

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Manifesto a summary: The manifesto is neither a report card nor a list to lure the people. it is the action plan of the party for the five consecutive years. And it’s their job to complete these action-plans. But these action plans need broader horizons as electricity, education and many more are the factors to be talked about, but no one actually looks into the vastness as on-ground problems are taken care but, what about the roots of the system of education and other serious agendas, we need a change a new changes to the system. This time we are talking about the real changes as we are not fools we pay fees and everything but still half of the country is unemployed, looking for opportunities. and this can’t be solved without making new changes to it. Our books need new creative ways of learning more about an interacting session with our books and teachers. not in just some schools but everywhere in India. One thing is our primary responsibility, to give education and rest comes the way. education not just enlightens but also gives you a solution to daily chores in everybody’s life. below is a glimpse of what the major parties have involved in their manifesto in the context of vital needs of Delhiites.

Manifesto a summary

A glimpse of the manifesto

Aam Aadmi Party

Aam Aadmi party where again, has showcased that they will thrive for better options of education. adding some new courses in the schools. The party is also planning to address the issues of those living in slums, including the expansion of its in-situ rehabilitation project. they have also put light on issues like pollution and water issues. A relief for the shop vendors of Delhi markets giving them relaxation in opening the markets 24*7.

Indian National Congress

Manifesto a summary

Un-employment is again the major part of the Delhi manifesto of congress. whereas giving electricity free is also an add-on. but they have not touched the MSME and other sectors while less focused on the business community.

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Bhartiya Janta Parties and Allies

As of talking of Delhi, water is a crucial problem and BJP smartly has stated that they will banish the dependency on water tankers to a minimal when elected. and adding the improvisation of Yamuna Ghats, and cleaning it. Alongside it is to give the benefit of national schemes to Delhi’s public.

Some points that all the parties didn’t involve were the growth of Delhi in terms of business perspectives and a viable chain of smooth money flow. as the economy is not stable. the economy is at a very serious stage and focusing on economic values should be our priority. To know more continue on Talepost for similar articles like Manifesto a summary and for updates visit our Facebook.

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