Ludo King: Lockdown and ludo at present are simply like two sides of a coin. This probably explains that ludo carries a very special attraction which probably is not going to end. All together let us dive into the ludo nostalgia. The good old summer days which had a vacation as a special part. And the main attraction of the vacation was the afternoon indoor games that had three of the highlighted game, ludo, snake and ladder and carrom. I know you all must have rolled back your memories to recall the time and feeling.
I know since distances have increased and due to the busy schedule we all have, it is merely impossible to dig out time to freely enjoy these games as we used to. And it is pretty impossible to re-carve and re-live the moments as they were. But this impossible has been made possible by this lockdown. People have got time to spend it with their family and re-live the good old days which were somewhere lost in this fast-moving and busy world.

We have encountered many games with passing time but amongst all these, it is just ludo which has kept families intact. And the level of enjoyment while playing it has remained the same. The online apps for ludo have brought a convenient gaming platform to all. Where you can get to play with your family and relatives without being physically available to play with all and you enjoy equally. Amongst all the available apps it is Ludo King which has gained maximum popularity.
Ludo King

The craze for ludo during this lockdown has reached a different level. It has increased so much that this app frequently undergoes maintenance for long durations so that it works smoothly and avails its features without any fail. The app is available for free download on play store for both Android and IOS users. At present, it has crossed the mark of 100 million downloads and has become the most popular ludo app.

Ludo king can be played by entering it as a guest user. Signing-in is not an essential criterion. You can play this game in a variety of ways with a variety of people. If you are free but you don’t have any partner to play you can choose the option of anyone then the app itself provides you a player randomly from the then-available people. You have an option to join a room where you can play a private game with your closed ones.

The Indian statics say that this game is played online by 6 million active users daily and monthly 75 million play this game. This data is enough to say about ludo love. It is probably going to star as an evergreen game because this game has received equal love by every generation. So this thrill and love for ludo will survive for long and replacement of it is not possible.