Meditation: The key to a peaceful and blissful life

“Meditation is the art of staying in the present moment. A sleepy person either lives in the past moment or is dreaming about future life but a meditator stays in the present moment and is alert about his thoughts and actions”. – Gautam Buddha

It is said that a mind which is not still and calm, can not concentrate. And to gain that concentration and be precise at your work then you need to meditate. Meditation is a powerful tool that can change your life by increasing your concentration and attention. Being attentive at what you do ultimately leads you to success. Working to get skilled over this meditation leads you to achieve the kind of results you have ever wanted to. People continuously Cribb for lack of time, mismanagement, their stress, their lacking ability to learn. But no one works to improve it. You keep trying 100 ways that won’t work, which leads you to more resentment. But you forget the only way that can solve all your problems in one go and GOD has specifically gifted this to humans, practicing which would help you to accomplish anything in your life.

Advantages of Meditation

The advantages of meditation can only be felt when it is practiced regularly as you brush your teeth. On practicing regularly these are the advantages you get:

  • A relaxed and alert state of mind.
  • It acts as a stress buster and helps you to act calmly in messy situations.
  • It helps to improve your concentration and memory levels.
  • It helps in developing a sheath of optimism around you.
  • It helps in strengthening the immune system.
  • Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disorder and reduces cholesterol levels.
  • It helps in boosting your self-confidence.
  • It enhances your energy levels to help you work throughout the day without feeling weak and tired.

Best time to meditate

This is the most curious question because people work in different time slots. Some have free day time, some have a free afternoon and evening hours and some are free at night. So the good news is, you can practice meditation at any time of the day. Early mornings are still preferable because the intensity of cosmic rays is very high at that time. This gives you better results but practicing it at any time would give you the same result.

Begin with practicing 10 min a day increasing to 20-30 min a day. To get habitual to meditation practice it for continuous of 21 days without any break.

How to meditate?

  • Sit straight and in an easy posture. Be comfortably straight because that helps you be more attentive.
  • Close your eyes, so that you can detach yourself from the outer world.
  • Control your emotions because initially, meditating won’t be easy. Your brain will bring many thoughts to you when you get distracted calmly get back to your process.
  • Find a silent place to meditate.
  • Pick a place that you are most comfortable at. Except for the fact, you do not fall asleep.
  • Enjoy your meditation, rather than doing it as something forcefully imposed on you.
  • Focus on your breath while you inhale and exhale.

If you are busy and you still feel like meditating guess what you can meditate. You can utilize your free time by meditating in the midst of being occupied. Just simply focus on your thoughts and that is all. So this was all about meditation and its benefits. Practicing it, in the long run, will make your life peaceful and blissful without any doubt.

Medhavi Singh: Medical professional, Writer and an Author. Aspiring to merge three and lead science to a different parameter.