How to add a bunch of happiness to your Christmas and New year’s eve

Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year: As the Christmas bells are ringing in and New Year is about to arrive. The excitement to celebrate both is at its top-notch. But in this utter excitement, there is an underlying confusion as to how to execute this festive feel in the best way possible.

People generally remain confused and spend their time deciding and rectifying as to find the best manner in which both Christmas and New year can be enjoyed with utmost zest and enjoyment.

So let’s resolve the confusion, by simplifying and finding out the best ways for you to celebrate the two. Below mentioned are some of the best ways to celebrate this moment of happiness.


Give a gift of a smile to yourself

This is the best way, to begin with, your festive mood. Taking care of yourself and doing things that make you happy will eventually bound you with happiness thereby initiating a flow of optimism within you. With this optimism, you can make others around you feel positive about the moment.

Spend quality time with your loved ones

Maybe in the busy schedule of yours. You might have missed the time, to have a peaceful conversation with your loved ones. Utilize this time to do so. Sit with them have a healthy conversation which will eventually help you to be more close to the people you care and have a love for. And this will make the other person also feel happy about the time you gave.

Make smile, to the one in pain

Helping others, making someone feel happy, is one the best feeling which you can never purchase from any store. Making a dull face smile is one of the best ways of making yours as well as someone elses Christmas and New year a happy one.

Take some space

Take space from the busy life you have, move out, relax, give yourself a time of solitude. A time for self renaissance will eventually help you to grow and this growth will make you feel more confident and contended about yourself.

Take some rest

I don’t oppose partying hard. But it should take a minimum of your time, for the rest of the time you should be more into a relaxed phase. Giving break not just to yourself but to your mind and body as well, which supports you 24×7.

So these were some of my ways to best utilize your festive break. That will not only help you to enjoy it but will help to create an aura of happiness and optimism around you. Bounding you with a sheath of happiness and confidence. I hope this helps you to have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New year. to know more continue on talepost and for updates visit our facebook.

Medhavi Singh: Medical professional, Writer and an Author. Aspiring to merge three and lead science to a different parameter.