Modi’s Janta curfew a strong step against the prevailing Covid-19

In the wake of COVID-19, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has urged the entire nation to undergo self-isolation for a day. Modi calls for ‘Janta curfew’ on Sunday 22nd March from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. to break the chain of this spreading coronavirus. These 14 hours shut marks for the closure of everything except for hospitals and few shops that deliver necessary items. Transportation will remain suspended for a day.

Passenger trains have been shut from midnight to 10 p.m. on 22nd March in the wake of Janta curfew which calls for every work to hold other than those which are extremely essential. This self-isolation would prove a great boon to control this spread of coronavirus which has hit the entire globe.

Since the number of cases has risen to 283 in India and the count is still increasing at a very fast rate. States like Maharashtra, Bihar, and Odisha are amongst the top hit state which urgently demands this self-imposed curfew. So in order to break this chain and bringing a hold to this spread of disease, we need to solemnly resolve and unanimously support the Janta curfew saving ourselves, our family and our nation.

States with maximum danger have come to partial lockdown because this is the only way in which we can fight with this pandemic. Since no special treatment or medications are available for it, social distancing and taking ample of precaution is the only key.

During this shut, not only the trade sectors or transportation will be shut rather every location which demands public gathering. Be it temples, churches any workplace will remain shut. Metros will be at partial hold during this curfew. In Delhi, 50 percent of buses will be working for the ones who need it in an emergency.

Along with breaking the chain of this spreading virus Prime Minister asks us to applaud and express gratitude towards the people who this extreme situation is working hard to save us. Be it people working to spray disinfectant all around the city, the police, nurses, doctors and all the ones who keep their life at stake are protecting us. In order to express the gratitude, he asks every citizen to get towards their house exits at 5 p.m and bang the sound of applaud whichever way possible but to stay within the house itself.

This is just an initiative to gives this spread a hold. But this could be completely eradicated if you give your support, if not at least you can take an initiative to secure yourself by following the guidelines generated by the government this will not only help you to save your life but also will help to secure the life of others. As it rightly said Be safe than sorry.

Medhavi Singh: Medical professional, Writer and an Author. Aspiring to merge three and lead science to a different parameter.