Hard to manage money, But we have your back with these Money Advisory Apps.

Money advisory apps: Just to earn is not essential, managing turns to be the most crucial part. If one lacks this, then whatever be the earning it would never suffice your needs neither you will be able to get your savings done. We all face this problem at some or the other point, where your credit always feels less. This happens to all, we cannot keep the memory of every little thing, then for this, we need to store data in any external memory that can keep a check and prompt us as well.

If it is getting difficult for you, then let technology work for you. Yes! Technology! The advancing technology has everything for us. There are a few money advisory apps that will help you stay updated with your expenses. Being handy you can monitor it anytime and control the extra one.

How does this help you?

  • This helps you to get control over your unnecessary expenses.
  • Keeps you updated with the previous minute happenings which your brain memory trashes.
  • It helps you to manage your monthly expenses and be pro at managing your money.
  • If it saves your money eventually it is making you happy and letting you save money for any emergency.

Top 5 Money advisory apps

YNAB (You Need A Budget)

This app charges you $6.99/month. But let me tell you spending this amount is worth it. This app detects your location and saves as to where the money was spent. It helps to list down your transactions in a few clicks. This a hands-down app for those who want to control their expenses in an easy manner. Works on both iOS and Android.


This app pings you and guides you as to where you can control your expenses. This app is absolutely free can be downloaded from the app store of your phone. It goes through your account and prompts you in case of over expenditure. Thereby you end saving money.


This a more easy option for ones who are irregular in the manual updates. This app syncs to your account grabs the transaction details. It auto categorizes them and gives logical and genuine advice as to where savings can be made. It simply makes you save money making your work easy. This app is absolutely free can be downloaded in both iOS and Android.


This is like a regular app that helps you keep a note of what you spend. Eventually, this helps you to control your unnecessary expenses. Just with this, you can update instantly after expenditure and that relieves you from the late-night sitting and updating details. This app is absolutely free. It can be downloaded both on iOS and Android.

Debts Monitor

It basically manages your debts. This app is also absolutely free. Features include expenses chart, bill reminders, debt tracking, and savings plan. Further, this helps you to make you realize where the control is lacking and could be controlled. Thereby saving your money in a smart manner. It can be downloaded both on iOS and Android.

So these were some of the best money advisory apps which would help you to save money and bring happiness to you.

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Medhavi Singh: Medical professional, Writer and an Author. Aspiring to merge three and lead science to a different parameter.