Rum and you a perfect combination, Most expensive rum brands made in India…

most expensive rum brand in indiamost expensive rum brand in india

Most expensive rum brand in India: Rum initially was close to foreign nations but with time it has become more an Indian thing. Rum is formed by the distillation of molasses or sugarcane juice. And undoubtedly India is a large sugarcane producer with ample varieties of sugarcanes produced here. Initially, rum was considered to be a drink of sailors and pirates therefore it was said ” Drinking rum before noon makes you a pirate not alcoholic“.

India not only has become a nation with top rum consumption but along with it is a worldwide rum exporter due to the presence of large sugar industries. Indian rum ranks in the top 5 amongst the alcohol drinks produced worldwide.

Some facts related to Indian rum

After a great boon of rum industries in India. These have suffered a decline in the past few years. The India rum market has shown a rapid decline of 1% per annum from 2016. The reason behind this is:

  • It is a seasonal drink that limits its consumption.
  • It is a drink of only wet monsoons and winters.
  • Dry rum or mixer produces intense body heat and India being a moderate nation, its regular intake does not suit well.

Since last year the Indian rum market has seen growth due to the introduction of foreign rum brands. The growth rate is supposed to reach 6% by 2022.

Most expensive rum brands in India

Havana Club

Price: Rs. 900/ 750 ml

About: It is one of the international brands which now serves in India as well. If you desire to try original Cuban rum then you must give a taste to Havana Club. It ranks globally fifth amongst all the rum brands. The flavor it offers is Caramel, vanilla, and dried nuts.

Company: Havana Club

Origin: 1934

Amrut Old Port Delux

Price: Rs. 700/750ml

About: This comes from Amrut Distilleries Ltd. Which is one of the leading liquor brands in India? The rum here is matured in used oak barrels which previously contained whiskey. Doing this gives a very pleasant aroma to the drink. This drink is made up of 100% natural Indian cane sugar.

Company: Amrut Distilleries Ltd.

Origin: 1948

Hercules XXX Rum

Price: Rs. 700/750ml

About: Its one of the most powerful rum and is favorite amongst rum lovers. It shows ABV of 48.6% and it is running very strong in the Indian market. It is matured using Oak vats and is further blended with multiple Indian rums. It comprises a good amount of wood, musk, chocolate, and vanilla. And is generally enjoyed without a mixer but that suits one who is used to hard-drinking.

Company: Khoday Group

Origin: 1934

McDowell’s No.1 Celebration XXX

Price: Rs. 600/750ml

About: McDowell’s has been one of the most popular brands in India but the past few years have been a great competition. This is due to the entry of newer brands in the market. Due to this McDowell has brought by some changes in their rum quality bringing it a tone down. This rum brings down a tonne of cherry, tobacco and chocolate usage which even after using mixer hits the taste buds strong.

Company: McDowell

Origin: 1951

Contessa XXX Rum

Price: Rs. 700/750ml

About: This rum is also known as military rum. Matured in wooden cask in a very traditional manner. It is made up of the fine molasses. Compared with other brands it is slightly lighter in color and has this copper tinge in it. A blend of caramel and vanilla gives it a special taste which can be surely enjoyed without a mixer. It is made up of a cane juice spirit and possesses this slight taste of raisin.

Company: Radico Khaitan

Origin: 1943

So these were some of the most expensive rum brands in India. Getting a taste of any of these will make you fall in love with it. But better just take it rarely, since addiction of none is good. Getting addicted to healthy is not fine. Then if you get addicted to these you might end up harming yourself. So better enjoy these for a short moment and stay healthy. to know more continue on Talepost for similar articles like the Most expensive rum brand in India and for updates visit our Facebook.

Medhavi Singh: Medical professional, Writer and an Author. Aspiring to merge three and lead science to a different parameter.