Laughter synonyms-Mr. Bean’s videos, A collection of some of old is gold videos that will make you go crazy

Mr. Bean’s video: Laughter is a natural therapy that helps you in making healthy and recover fast from any pain. If you have a laughter therapy everyday I think you would’nt fall in this viscious circle of hospitals and medicines.

I know you all are familiar with the most loved character ever that is Mr. Bean. Whose fantastic videos helps you in having a giggling belly. Here are some of his video shots which will remind you the entire video and will help you to re-live your laughter moments.

I know you have got it all, yes the giggles have begun already, this scene is from one of his acts where he is about to give his exam. He enters the examination hall with full confidence with all his pre-preparations done. Sits with full confidence, till he does not get the test paper. He continues bullying and irritating people in his vicinity. But once he receives the test paper he gets traumatized since he is absolutely unaware with answer of any of the questions given. All his cheating tactics fail. At the end he somehow finds the real paper whose answers he was aware of but he was short with time by then but still he continues to write and finally his paper gets snached. The whole description and his expressions are phenomenal.

Obviously this is one such video if any doctor will watch this, he will always pray to never get a patient like him. He irritates the doctor to the extreme he can. Using the tools and then getting confused, creating a mess all around. Bullying and creating panic for the doctor and the nurses. This play is full with jolly elements, which won’t let your laughter stop.

This is one of my favorite acts of him, I can watch this video as many time as possible. And laugh equally everytime. The way he finds happiness in irritating everybody, his stupid innocence steals the show every time. He is stupid and innocent more than a kid.

But the most heartbreaking scene of this act was when his car gets crushed due to his own stupidity and at that time he was busy having sweets later when he gets a look of his crushed car he shatters but still has laughter section after it.

I hope you remember this, this epic scene never faints of my mind. The amount he irritates his friends on Christmas Eve tries serving wooden sticks dipped in caramel for meal that too with a count of 2-3 and offers the drink of his type, and leaves those guys irritated, they somehow manage to escape. The next day he does a lot of hardwork to get his room painted and uses his stupid illogical mind to get it done in once, which somehow gets disrupted by the same man who tried to escape last night. But had forgotten his hat, he comes back to get one and gets painted white.

So these were some of the summarized stories and shots from funny collection of Mr. Bean’s video. Hope after this you will see all his videos together and get a laughter dose. And I assure you that you will have an aching belly out of laughter after watching the videos. to know more continue on talepost.

Medhavi Singh: Medical professional, Writer and an Author. Aspiring to merge three and lead science to a different parameter.