Namaste trump In India: Yes! one of the most developed nations come together on the issue of international security of borders as terrorism has to be fought by someone and initiating the initiative are India and the U.S. But terrorism is not only the front which the dignitaries have talked upon they have set new standards for global peace and Unity. As a unit, we stand and walk the diverse nature that is there for all of us. be it a common man or any prominent personality. the idea is to prosper alongside maintaining the peace and harmony of the individuals. This February, we witnessed two giants meet in India. one is the president of the U.S Mr. Donald Trump and our beloved PM Narendra Damodar Modi. while the two people interacted upon many social topics and welfare of both the countries and how to fight terror as both the countries have been the victims of it. Further making small listicles on major covered topics and trends.

Some Issues they meant for the globe to understand
The first and set on priority agenda is terrorism especially on the borders of India. Pakistan has been warned many times to stop its negative agendas of propagating terrorism. but when it is talked of Indo-Pak relations, we have seen many promises and pacts but the results are still the same.

Combat Strategies
Mr. Trump And our PM also had a word about the Indian military resources and a high-end deal is said to happen between the two powers. which is in the welfare of India and we must emphasize the military equipment and sources.
Global Peace
Peace is every human being’s right and duty both at the same time. A simple give and take of the peace are what the world needs and settling down all the grudges that were there in the past. And also Gandhi Ji and our beloved Bapu said globe is a home to us so think globally and act locally.

Global Leadership
We know when It comes to the U.S they have full fledge strategies for governance and we should get inspired and let our nation thrive towards higher growth and internal peace among the citizens be it a Hindu or Muslim or any other religion of the world and India is a hub of religion. so let it be sacred, not scared.
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