National Girl Child Day, 24 January 2019

Every year on 24th January, National Girl Child Day is celebrated in India. This day is acknowledged to celebrate the birth of girl child and give them more opportunities in the country. 24th January is the day marked to spread the awareness among people about the injustice to the girl child. Information on nutrition, education, legal rights, medical care facilities, sex education, child marriage and many more. It was initiated by the government of India to protect the girl child. This initiative is also aided by the support of parents.

In the acknowledgment of this day, Haryana’s effort of the mission, Girl Child will be awarded and will be encouraged. There would be many cultural programme in the honor of this day. Many new campaigns will also be started in the support of Girl Child in India. There would also be self-defense training given to girls and women from different parts of the country.

Another main motive to start this initiative was for the betterment of the lives of girls in this patriarchal society. Our readers will be shocked to know that despite the fact, India has developed in so many different sections of the society, the literacy rate of girls in the country is 53.87%. It is not the first step taken from the government’s side as there are many other schemes also which were introduced by the Indian government.

Gargi Rohatgi: