Necessities Turning Into Luxuries Due To Economic Chaos

AIMTC ( All India Motor Transport Congress ) is the apex body of the truck operators. It called out a nationwide indefinite strike on 20th July 2018 from 6 am onwards because of their unfulfilled demands. It includes a reduction in diesel prices by including the deregulated commodity under GST.  The only motive is that the price of diesel gets less. AIMTC wants the government to intervene to provide tangible solutions to the issue. After completing three days, the effects of the protest have been mixed. On the third day, more transport unions at the local levels joined the stir. The effect of the protest was more effective in the financial capital Mumbai and on the other hand, showed a partial response in other parts of the country, including Delhi.


Their demands include a reduction in diesel prices and periodical review of fuel prices. Apart from this, truckers are also miffed at the non-transparent system of toll collection that favours the road concessioners. They are demanding for a toll-free India for untroubled movement of goods.

The truck operators are continuously lurching due to the impact of GST. They’re demanding for the diesel prices to be included under the Goods and Service Tax.

They are also demanding a reduction and abolition of indirect taxes by providing national permits to all the trucks and buses and also doing away with the direct port delivery system.

They also want a reduction in high insurance premium along with third-party insurance premium.


16 lakh trucks of the truck operators are off the roads for four consecutive days in the state of Maharashtra. The total number of trucks off-road in the country is approximately 93 lakh. The countrywide strike has affected many industrial and manufacturing movements.

The issue to worry about is that the truck operators strike has affected supplies of food and other essential items. The interstate supply of rice, pulses and millets is decreasing in the state of Andhra Pradesh. Jaipur has also faced the partial impact of the strike. People are suffering the loss of business within the state of Rs 1500 crore.

The most serious impact of the strike is there in the state Maharashtra. It decreased by 10-15 per cent on Saturday. Even on Friday as the trucks were near APMC ( Agriculture Produce Market Committee) in Vashi nothing seems to be better. The strike seems to be there since 6 AM. The supply of vegetables such potato, onion, little finger, cucumber and green chilli is decreasing. If the protest continues, there will be a further shortage of supply increasing the retail price.


In Maharashtra itself, the loss was pegged at Rs 2000 crore. The overall loss that the country is facing is of Rs 10000 crore on Sunday. The truck operators seem worried regarding the whole loss.


After so many miscellaneous demands, AIMTC strongly called for the intervention from the government for redressal of their problems and to find tangible solutions to the issue. The Centre, however, is likely to intervene on Monday to address the problems faced by the transporters. But the only question that arises is that does it take four days to react to a critical situation affecting the economy? 

Komal Sinha: