Nutritive value and benefits of dark chocolates

Benefits of dark chocolate: Chocolates!! To no surprise is love. Not just in terms of taste, dark chocolates carry a lot of benefits with them. It uplifts your mood, makes you feel better, improves your skin, and has a lot to offer. Made up of cocoa seeds, these dark chocolates are the best source of antioxidants, reduces the chances of cardiovascular disorder.

Adding to these there are ample benefits of dark chocolate that are listed below. These will make you acknowledge the wellness these chocolates carry.

Nutritive value of dark chocolate

General milk chocolates we eat have cocoa butter, sugar, milk, and a little number of cocoa beans. But dark chocolate has a good amount of cocoa beans which makes it rich in flavonoids. Rich in flavonoids makes it a compilation with ample of benefits. 101 g bar of dark chocolate with 70-80 percent cocoa solid contains:

  • 604 calories
  • 7.87 g protein
  • 43.06 g fat
  • 46.36 g carbohydrates
  • 11.00 g dietary fiber
  • 24.23 g sugar
  • 12.02 mg iron
  • 230.00 mg magnesium
  • 3.34 mg zinc

Benefits of dark chocolate

As we have seen already seen the high nutritive content of dark chocolates. Let us now see how does it affect and benefits our body both physically and mentally.


Cocoa and dark chocolates are considered to contain way more antioxidants than any other eatable. It consists of various organic compounds such as flavonoids, polyphenols, and catechins that are biologically active in nature. These biologically active compounds act as an antioxidant.

Reduces cardiovascular risk

These chocolates rich in flavonoids reduces LDL, promoting a healthy heart. It helps in low cholesterol deposition in arteries thereby reducing the chance of any cardiovascular disorder. Studies reveal eating dark chocolates 5 times per week has reduced cardiovascular disease by 57%.

Anti depressant

Studies reveal that the intake of high flavanol cocoa improves the brain’s blood flow. The key content present in cocoa that comprehends the brain’s working is caffeine and theobromine. Improved blood flow to the brain improves the oxygen content of the brain thereby improving brain functioning. Improved brain activity helps you to cope with your problems and thereby heals your mood.

Maintains cholesterol

Cocoa powder rich in flavonoids, polyphenols, and catechins on consumption has shown a reduction in LDL (bad cholesterol) and increment in HDL (good cholesterol). So it basically reduces the bad cholesterol level and helps in the easy functioning of the heart.

Normalises Blood pressure and improves blood flow

These help in lowering the blood pressure by causing relaxation in arteries. This is done by a simple procedure i.e. dark chocolates stimulate the endothelium of the arteries which further produces NO which further signals the artery to relax. Whether in a lower amount but it reduces the blood pressure.

So this was all about the benefits of dark chocolate. We all love chocolates, so why not have one that along with healing our craving treats us well.

Medhavi Singh: Medical professional, Writer and an Author. Aspiring to merge three and lead science to a different parameter.