Patanjali Corona medicine CORONIL, Is it a real cure for coronavirus?

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Medhavi Singh
Medhavi Singh
Medical professional, Writer and an Author. Aspiring to merge three and lead science to a different parameter.
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Patanjali Corona medicine: Amid this corona breakdown, where treatment is at stake and vaccine is yet to be discovered. Baba Ramdev launches a “Corona Kit” which he claims to be 100% effective. “The whole country and the world were waiting for medicine or vaccine for Corona. We feel proud to announce that the first Ayurvedic, clinically controlled trial based evidence and research-based medicine has been prepared by the combined efforts of Patanjali Research Centre and NIMS. “To define the strength of medicine he says “100 percent recovery rate within 3-7 days has been observed.”

To define the power and worth of this medicine Baba Ramdev says “We are launching COVID medicines Coronil and Swasari today. We conducted two trials of these, first clinical controlled study, which took place in Delhi, Ahmedabad, among many other cities. Under this 280 patients were included and 100 percent of those recovered. We were able to control Corona and its complications in this. After this, the all-important clinical control trial was conducted.”

The corona treatment kit that was launched has yet not been approved by ICMR and WHO. And since the authoritative bodies have yet not acknowledged the medication the treatment won’t proceed. After the announcement of this medicine, Ayush Ministry has generated a notice asking for all the necessary government approvals for trials, testing and researching that has been performed while making of this kit. Since Patanjali Yogpeeth was only given the license to prepare immunity boosters.

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Making of Corona Kit

Patanjali Corona

Patanjali Corona medicine which is supposed to treat disease was launched with the combined efforts of Patanjali and NIMS. The response of this medicine is very quick as compared to the general ayurvedic medication. It is being claimed that this medicine can cure up to 69 percent of your illness in 3-4 days (depending on the body immunity) and 100 percent of relief is supposed to occur after a span of 6-7 days.

The cost of this kit is INR 545. After the approval of medicine, it will be available in 4000 stores all over the nation. Along with this, an on-demand app will be launched that will help people to order medicine online. For the ones who can not afford to buy, can avail this treatment kit for free



This medication is a combination of ayurvedic herbs that include Ashwagandha, Tulsi, Giloy as its main ingredients. It is supposed to be consumed in the morning and evening for effective results.

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So this was all about Patanjali corona medicine which still stands in the midst of a dilemma. We hope these kits if effective receive a green signal so that the entire world can benefit from this and pull themselves away from this deadly disease.

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