Petrol price hike enhances the difficulties of vehicle users

The year 2020 has been a sensational year (sarcastically) with all the havocs that dived in together. With the most disastrous pandemic Covid-19 to Locust attack that destroyed farms to the situation like hunger. Amid this, there is still more to add. A good number of people have lost their jobs, daily wage workers have no more work now, for the people working in private sectors, some have lost their jobs and jobs of many are at stake. Amid this price crisis, the petrol price hike is no more than havoc.

In search of work, people do have to commute and if commuting turns expensive then even searching for work won’t be easy. Let us read the entire blog to know about the current scenario and its effects on the lives of the greater section of society.

Petrol price in top cities of nation

Amid lockdown, India witnessed a petrol price hike for the first time on 7th June 2020. After this, continuous growth in the petrol price has been observed. 27th June 2020 marked for the 21st consecutive rise. This is for the first time that the price rise has been such a continuous process, breaking down all its previous records. But this is an indicator of disaster if this price rise and people failing to get employment to prevail for a longer duration of time.

List of top metropolitan cities with their petrol prices in rupees is mentioned below:

  • Delhi: 80.38
  • Bangalore: 82.99
  • Kolkata: 82.05
  • Chennai: 83.59
  • Noida: 81.04
  • Mumbai: 87.14
  • Hyderabad: 83.44
  • Patna: 83.35
  • Lucknow: 80.94
  • Jaipur: 86.61

Effect of price rise

The middle-class section of the society comprises 45% of India’s total population. Amongst these, only a limited set of people are government officials and rest are employed in the private sector. And in the current situation, the private sector isn’t generating great revenue except for the IT sector. So this is eventually hampering the job and salary of employees.

When an employee is paid less and with that less income he has to run his family. And with all this, escalating the petrol price the entire image is horrifying to imagine.

Also Read: Locust attack degrades the agriculture sector

Reason of petrol price hike

The declining economy of the nation is prompting the government to take steps like these. Since this is turning to be the revenue-generating section of the nation, prices of petrol are being escalated. And it is expected that prices will see an increment in the next few weeks.

So this was all about the petrol price hike that the entire nation is witnessing. It is a humble request to the Indian government to kindly consider the financial situation of the middle class and the unprivileged section of society. So that carving way through this pandemic turns a bit easy.

Medhavi Singh: Medical professional, Writer and an Author. Aspiring to merge three and lead science to a different parameter.