PUBG Introduces New Modes to its Gaming Platform

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Medhavi Singh
Medhavi Singh
Medical professional, Writer and an Author. Aspiring to merge three and lead science to a different parameter.
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PUBG new modes 2020: The most played video game, which people are crazy for i.e. PUBG has added new modes to its game which has enhanced the overall gaming experience. Using this mode to its fullest will make you experience every enhanced feature of it.

Here is the complete description of PUBG new modes 2020, Miramar 2.0, and much more. Let us dive in to get acquainted with all the features added to PUBG mobile.

PUBG new modes 2020

The gaming experience of PUBG is always fantastic, as it keeps on adding a new feature and thereby refreshing the user’s experience. Recently a feature of Cold Front Survival was released which received love from users and was a great success.

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The 0.18.0, PUBG mobile brings down to you its two new features i.e. Safety Scramble Mode and Jungle Guide adventure mode. Let us peep down to know about these features, Miramar 2.0 and few other changes made to PUBG.

1. Safety Scramble Mode

The introduction of the inner Blue zone will help the players to get more kill. Inner Blue zone will reduce in size, challenging the player to improve its skills. The outer Blue zone will help the player to create new ways to play the game. With this introduction, the player can not remain in the center for longer duration.

2. Jungle Adventure Guide mode

This is a brand new mode for PUBG mobile. In this, you get new features such as Hot air balloons, Totems, Jungle food, and much more. This model has the objective of giving chicken dinner to the last man standing. With this feature, the player gets 3 temporary buffs with 3 different effects. But in order to activate these one needs to find the jungle food which keeps moving all over the map. You can bump into food randomly on your way. Using this feature to its full will make your experience an exciting one.

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Miramar 2.0

Golden Mirado, Vending machines, Race track, New Win94, and a new location i.e. Water Town will be added as new features to the map. Only one Golden Mirado is available in each match. To energize the player and heal the wounds, Vending machines are available around the map. New Win94 will become a weapon choice because it has 3x more power than before.

Other changes

1. Training ground update

Mini challenges are available at the ground which will help you to gain score. As well as it will help you compare with others at the training ground.

2. New SMG P90

The New P90 has 50 ammo and this is double than any other available SMGs. This SMG uses 9mm ammo. A slot for a grip, a muzzle, and scope is available.

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3. Canted Sight

This helps in instant switching from long to short-range combat and vice versa without entering the inventory.

This was all about the PUBG new modes 2020. And all about the introduction and updated features.

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