Pure Fiction: The story of Sun

Pure Fiction: All questions answered with your 2 min short story on planets this is pure hypothetical knowledge and no resemblance to anybody. This is the story of our solar system, how it got divided into the planets and how its moons were formed.

Pure Fiction

Let me start here with the king sun who is the ruler of this milky ways galaxy he has 9 ministers each for a planet. everything is going good but while sitting one day in the court of the king, with all the ministers. a voice from nowhere came that ” king beware a son is going to born to you and you win will the whole world and stopped.

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everybody was amazed as this was no ordinary thing so the conspiracies started to take rise, to kill the king’s son by the ministers and as soon as the son is born, a king from another dynasty attacked the Milkyway galaxy and both the armies were fighting and after this, the ministers tried to conspire against the king and demanded their kingdoms. the king was defeated and was sent to prison and the son was fleed by his caretaker to some distant kingdom where it was his ally.

meanwhile, two ministers wanted to see the king and went their way and they were none other than the earth and pluto to this sun said yes I was thinking of both of you and here you are no problem I know you are not guilty you went with the flow but it is not complete here my son will return and to what you all have done to me you will also have same kind of things that happened to me and like I have nine parts of my kingdom you will also have same division, not just one time but many time and was set to the fire which is why sun is still burning and almost all the planets have moons. God knows how much of this is true and if it is correct then it has been one-time division when we had the moon and like us is the same as the case of other planets who have divided these times.

to be continued

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Manish Suyal: