The reaction of action: Can this happen in real-life…..relate to it

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The reaction of action: we all know that there is energy in the universe which is called Karma. But what exactly do we know about it? how does it work and how does it helps and the question of the hour who controls it. God? Universe? us? then who. but one sure thing that we know that karma plays when it is least expected. but karma is not our topic. here we are talking about the simple and unique “Ripple Effect”.


Yes! the ripple effect, we have studied about it in our childhood and even seen it happen when we went near to a river or a pond. who doesn’t like to throw a stone in a calm river but what we see as a reaction to this is the ripple effect. but another question can this ripple effect be seen in our real-life. and to this, I would say yes it happens. now think of the last promotion you had and take it as the outcome of the effect but what is the input. we all are aware of this the daily work we do it is like throwing small stones in your small life and this is the ripple effect it happens to all of us but it can be time taking for some but not for all.

Reaction of action

So make the life full of stones and throw it hard in the river and as hard as your throw. the ripple will be for longer and bigger. Now lets come to karma. karma is the stones that you throw in the river of your life so carefully check these stones and do not think before throwing as it is very well said by someone “an action has an equal reaction. just do the actions and wait for the universe to respond. sometimes it takes times but sometimes it comes back instantly and this is karma.

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ripple effect

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