5700-year-old chewing gum acts as a life saviour for Ancient people

Saviour for Ancient People: This is not the first time that this kind of news has shocked all of us. It is often said history always creates a mystery and here it comes, a 5700 old chewing gum chewed by an old female that holds the key to the lives of ancient people. Researchers have found that this chewing gum was found during archaeological revealings in Southern Denmark. It is considered to be a genetic material of a human other than bones for the first time. While investigating this matter and mystery the researchers found out that the chewing gum was chewed by a lady from the mainland of Europe.


Moreover, the scientists were able to detect some extracts of DNA of the oral bacteria and some infectious microbes were also found. It is proven that these kinds of gum extracts were also evidence of DNA for the time periods where no human evidence.


Saviour for Ancient People: One of the researchers mentioned that the sample revealed Oral Microbial DNA that included many harmful species as well. These harmful bacterias are the cause of infectious mononucleosis or glandular fever to other people.


It is concluded that ancient chewing gums holds a dedicated potential and play an important role in studying the structure of microorganisms. These studies can help people understand the importance of pathogens and their importance around humans and the environment. to know more continue on talepost for updates visit our facebook.

Ashwarya Ralhan: