golden skull e-series

Eyes Do Talk: The walk

Eyes Do Talk: The walk: Resuming back the story we left Sia ching in her…

Eyes Do Talk: The Unknown! Known!

Eyes Do Talk: The unknown known: Perhaps we have thought of many new twists in…

In The Midst Of Death: The Experiment…

In The Midst Of Death: The Experiment- Like the previous chapter of this story concluded…

In the midst of death: The Mad Scientist…

Another time lapsing story, just for your love of reading, we present to you the…

Eyes Do Talk: Limits

Eyes Do Talk: Limits: Ok As I said previously I have some good side also…

The Game Of Universe: Chapter One

The game of Universe: Chapter one: Games can be fun, but gaming can become an…

The Soul Monger: The Revelation

The Soul Monger: The Revelation: Back with your temporary favorite short stories, The Soul Monger.…

The Soul Monger: The Adventure

The Soul Monger: The Adventure: Third in a row just for you, we present to…

Golden Skull: A coincidence

Golden Skull: A Coincidence- Welcome back again on your favorite e- series. we are up…

Golden Skull: The Theft

Yes, you read it write we are up with the third sequel of The Golden…