PM Modi

Farm Law Revoke: PM Announces To Repeal All The Three Farm Laws

On the occasion of Gurupurab PM Narendra Modi finally revoked the Farm laws imposed in…

Modi’s Janta curfew a strong step against the prevailing Covid-19

In the wake of COVID-19, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has urged the entire nation to…

Namaste trump In India: The new trends in the world of global leaders

Namaste trump In India: Yes! one of the most developed nations come together on the…

Namaste Trump 2020: Key Factors to know all about “Trump visits India”.

a meet of two democracies to praise peace alongside the globe and unity for us…

‘Howdy Modi’ How will it help Trump and Modi to turn the tables

Howdy, as most of us know, is the common way of greeting in Texas. In…