Know more about new launches and recent happenings at SpaceX…

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Medhavi Singh
Medhavi Singh
Medical professional, Writer and an Author. Aspiring to merge three and lead science to a different parameter.
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Tesla SpaceX Insights: Firm introduces itself as “SpaceX designs, manufactures and launches advanced rocket and spacecraft. The company was founded in 2002 to revolutionize space technology, with the ultimate goal of enabling people to live on another planet“. And it is reflecting to be true. The advancement and the speed of advancement are providing to make every word of it true. Because of the maximum, it has achieved in the 18 years journey of it.

Let us dive in to see the latest accomplished missions by SpaceX and more of its upcoming events and launches.


This is an American aerospace manufacturer and a company that works to improve the space transportation. Headquarter of it is in Hawthorne, California. The goal of this organization is to reduce space transportation costs and works to colonize Mars.

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SpaceX continuously works to get the best. In the midst of these, the three most creditable works include its reusable launch vehicle Starship, its global telecommunication system Starlink and its launch vehicle Falcon.


It is a global telecommunication system. Combination of a group of small satellites to provide internet access in space. This multiple combination system will have transceivers from the ground. Will turn out to be beneficial for military, exploratory and scientific purposes. The launch mass of this satellite is about 227-260kg.


This is a super heavy lift, completely reusable launch vehicle which will replace companies every launch vehicle. It is launched as the second stage of the reusable launch vehicle. This heavy-lift aircraft is designed to carry cargo ships and passengers to space. Getting this launched will make an easy way to space. For everyone who aspires to visit space can get their dreams fulfilled after this vehicle launches successfully.

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Falcon 9

This is the to date used launch vehicle by Tesla SpaceX. This launch vehicle has undergone tremendous improvement to become one of the efficient reusable launch vehicles. Falcon 1 one was initiated and the recent we have is Falcon 9. Which a present launch vehicle of SpaceX.

Recent activities

The recent activities of SpaceX include (information from SpaceX news):

  • SpaceX on 17th February 2020 launched its 5th Starlink mission from Space launch complex 40 (SLC-40) at Cape Canaveral Air force station, Florida.
  • January 29 ’20 marked the completion of the fourth Starlink launch mission.
  • January 19 ’20 SpaceX successfully completed an in-flight test of Crew Dragon’s launch escape capabilities from Launch Complex 39A (LC-39A) at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center, Florida.
  • January 06 ’20 marked with the third successful launch of Starlink satellites.

So this was all about SpaceX and it launch missions. The path of Tesla SpaceX is not easy to determine. While writing about it, multiple explorations and decisions must have taken place. This one of the most dedicated and finest space research organizations on the globe.

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