The Cruelty to Animals is making a question on our ‘Humanity’

The Cruelty to animals is a rising problem in our country. You have seen bulls pulling carts carrying full of loads on it. People pelting stones at strayed dogs. Once, Father of the Nation, Mahatma Gandhi, “The greatness of a nation is judged by the way it treats its animals. But, now, cruelty is being placed on innocent animals. They are tortured by humans through unnatural ways.

Last year, In the Month of July, a pregnant goat was being raped by 8 men in Haryana. The goat was missing and was later found dead by the owner was stolen. She was abused by the accused. Same in the month, a female street dog was raped by a man inside his home in Kolkata. A 35-year-old was arrested after the incident. 100 street dogs were culled and dumped in the forest area in Hyderabad. A man had unusual sex with three dogs in Vadodra. 11 langurs were brutally killed and dumped in Rajasthan. Several dogs were poisoned to death in Nagpur.

Not only these, but there are also many stories of the cruelty of animals that were not being heard. Even, doesn’t get the space in the NewsChannel or in the newspaper. May this is not a cup of tea of our Political System or these were not the hot topics. Well, these animals are being tortured by humans on our planet. As we are having such laws for the animals in India, which are made for the support of these innocent creatures. But, what if, when they are not helping them to get out of this mishappenings.

You must know that King Ashoka explicitly banned the killing of any animal in the kingdom. But, the scenario of today’s world is totally different. There are many organizations and associations, are working for stopping cruelty and brutally treatment for the stray animals. The famous organization is PETA. Even, there are several animals rights in the country that every citizen must know about.

Various laws have been made by the Central Government, in which the main law is ‘Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960’ and ‘Wildlife Protection Act, 1972’.

According to this, Police can arrest an offender who founded to be involved in any illegal activity or doing any offense with animals. There is also a provision where a private individual under the provisions of section-43 of CRPC can detain. In another act, authorizes the Director, or the Chief Wildlife Warden or any officer authorized by them or any forest officer or any police officer not below the rank of sub-inspector to arrest any person without any warrant and detain him.

Now, the question will be, how you can help the stray animals from cruelty?

  • if you see any stray animals being hit by anything or stoned, be sure to stop the offender and get him/her that this is wrong. if he/she is not taking care of your words then file an FIR against the person in nearby Police Station.
  • if the municipal corporation is still killing the stray animals in your area, make an appointment with the municipal officer. Inform him of all the situation which is being done.
  • It is illegal for the municipality to round up stray animals and abandon them outside the city. if you find out cows and buffaloes with burn marks, as in the market, vegetable vendors throw acid on animals to drive them away from it. for this instance, you can talk to the market association, approaching the head with telling him/her about the law.
  • if you see any research institute that is using animals for doing such chemical research on them, you can immediately contact the Committee for the purpose and suspension of experiments on animals.

Recently, Tripura High Court verdicts found the practice of offering the sacrifice of animals (Bali) in the temples of the state is UNCONSTITUTIONAL. On 28th October, the police cops have registered against the unidentified person for organizing bull, cow and piglet fights for Govardhan Pooja at Ambala Cantonment. As it was a violation of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, and now, the strict action will be taken against them.

Therefore, You have to make a decision that how you are going to help the stray animals from being beaten up, tortured, stoned, hit, attacked by acid, animal fights, sacrificing themselves in temples?

Ayushi Tyagi: