The game of Universe: Chapter one: Games can be fun, but gaming can become an entire universe. Where you just play the roles of either this or that. And Yes! this story is very much inspired by all the gamers around the world, Who are partially living with us on earth? And as a writer, my work is to broaden the creativity of the people. This story is of a far distant planet in another solar system, where there is a habitable planet just like earth, but the whole plot is changed. their people do not die there, this is the interesting part of that planet and the whole planet is framed in such a way that everybody has enough credits, not money. They eat not to fill their tummies but to enhance their chakras. And then travel to another planet which suits them the best.

Business giants are always there and are present on this planet also. There is a launch of a game which is just like the previous stimulation games of other lives through a game simulator. Pacific giants, is the name of the company and are the largest of all on that planet. they are launching a game un-known to its people. The party is on the tallest building of the planet and people are gathered on the road. just to know what this new game is, and then comes Aum the owner of the company and waves a victory sign to the people and people getting mad just to get a glimpse of the great man.

As decided by the company, Mr. Aum and one participant will be the first to experience the game. A big screen is set up on the lower floor of the building just to let people see what exactly is going there. All the machines are set up and the manager came to Mr. Aum and says “sir we are good to go”. But as you wanted we have set a timeline to 10 years for you to complete the game and you will be living inside the game for the next ten years. the machine will set you and your body and to the constant. Making just your brain to work and your body will remain the same. when you get off the game. What a coincidence it raining and people are going and the crowd is going but to this Mr, Aum takes the mic and says “to my dear people we know life is amazing and you are here to witness the change” and enters the room, where the setup is kept and goes near to the simulator and calls his secretary and whispers in her years. “No matter what happens there, whatever happens to you and I have made this switch. when I will say destroy the machine and let me be free of this world. take over my company I have signed all the papers, they are in my secret hideout in the mountains. Go there and get them when I say”. After saying this he enters the machine.

The experts finalize the machine but the participant stood up and said that “I do not want to participate in this game, is not good for anybody. The owner has some plans for himself and I do not want to go with him”. Now at this very moment, everybody was shocked that why at this time the participant wants to abandon the project to this. Mr. Aum replied and said, “no worries my friend you rest as its not your job to do this, I am the one who wants to explore the universe”. And lays down inside the machine.

The game of Universe: Chapter one: The machine starts and Mr. Aum goes in the hypersleep and there a screen was kept to see, what is going in the game. And it lightens up and the camera opened at an anonymous home. Mr. Aum is born at a new place in a new universe with new and different people. who looked just like him but they had a new thing that was present in them was the heart and they were smiling as they looked Mr. Aum but Aum at first didn’t have any memories as he was a newborn on the planet earth in countryside and people were so happy to see him.

What a story I didn’t believe that the writer is so good at it. but please stay tuned in for more and check what happens to Mr. Aum in this new world, will he remember where he has come from and what will happen when these ten years will complete and will the secretary destroy the machine. Only the writer knows what is going to happen. Thank you for being such an incredible audience. To know more continue on Talepost for other parts of the story The game of Universe: Chapter one. For updates visit our Facebook.