The Soul Monger: First Chapter

The Soul Monger: Yes! Because of your love! and demand! for short stories after The Golden Skull. We are up with another story “The Soul Monger”. Yes! as the name says it’s a story of a hero who is actually a villain and is stealing souls of people whom he think is a misfit for the society. So without any further ado, lets start the story.

Day, Wednesday, date 12 of march, people are going out for a walk in the morning and as usual, Atul was going to his school in the morning and went to the bus station. Where he smelled a foul smell coming but to his notice on the backside of the bus station a dead body was found by him, but to his shock and to my shock the dead body was not dead. As the dogs were licking it like they were trying to suck something out of the body. He came near and checked the body.

And to his surprise, it was the security guard of his society who yesterday night was full drunk and was quarreling with the RWA about his behavior as the theft increased from when he joined the work. But that is not strange. Strange was that he was laying down behind the bus station and dogs licking him and to just check Atul went more closer to him just to wake him up and when he turned him the right way Atul saw that his eyes were rolled upwards and a white thick fluid was coming out of his mouth and nose making him not able to breathe but he checked further and found nothing so he then called the police.

And they came but the moment police came Atul has to go to school. The afternoon when he came back from school he found the police at his house who wanted to talk to him as he saw the guard first. Talks started and Atul replied to all the questions. And then the police went. The next day same thing happened Atul went to the bus stop and was waiting for the bus but this time. He saw dogs barking at something so he moved behind the station and got shocked there was another body with same conditions. Wait! two murders till now, not exactly murders but the two bodies were missing something. The bodies were unconscious they were semi-killed. Wow-what does the writer wants but anyways continuing. This was very strange for the police and for all of us.

Before continuing further let me tell you who these two dead bodies were. One was the security guard and the other one guess who? Atul’s maid who didn’t come home that morning to do the household work.  This type of mishappening were when checked has happened to a few more people and police were investigating. How could this be possible a man is semi-dead? But who are we to say its all the writer’s fault. After a few days when Atul was coming from school and the bus driver dropped him at the station a group of aghoris was following him. Atul stopped right there and asked why are you following me to one of them who was their leader. He came closer to the boy and asked to come with them, they wanted to tell what is happening in the city and why he is an important asset in this case. He went with them and entered a room in the outer of the city. So the leader said to him that a lot of killings has been done in the past week. And they are very surprised as what his teacher told him is now coming true. There is a man on a hunt of souls of people who have crossed the limits of Society. This man has to be stopped and mentioning why Atul is being involved in this, he further said my teacher told me that you will meet a boy who will help you out in stopping the Soul monger and you are the only boy who we think is suitable for the conquest. The leader said I knew this will happen as my teacher said but not this early. And you are the only one who can help me in saving the people as this could impact the ecosystem. There will be an imbalance of the souls which could lead to catastrophe.

After saying this the leader opened a room and said Atul to go in as all the dead bodies which were semi-killed, they stole them from the hospital and took them here as they don’t want police or people to know that a man of god has fleed from heaven. who is punishing the people here on earth? So this is all folks for the first part of our e-series. Till now we have met our hero Atul and a group of aghoris who will help in stabling the ecosystem and stoping the soul monger, who is in a chase of punishing people for their wrongdoings towards the society. To stop this chaos Atul must team up with the aghoris and save the world but what can we say its all the writer’s job but one thing we can do is to let our selves get entertained. To know more continue on talepost for E-series like The Soul Monger and for updates visit our facebook.

Manish Suyal: