The Soul Monger: The Adventure

The Soul Monger: The Adventure: Third in a row just for you, we present to you The soul Monger, the thriller you wanted with an Indian twist. All our viewers a lot of, on the way for you people and now continuing with the story. But just a recap Atul met the Aghoris and inspector Manish also met the aghoris due to all the murders going in the city and the people are confused as what is going but as the guruji said: “We are on an edge of something very strange” and if you do not have read the previous parts then please check as then only it will be of interest.

In the last part, Sadanand brought Manish to the secret hideout of the aghoris and inspector Manish meets guruji and says: “ baba Namaste my name is Manish and I am an ex-police and want to study your culture please adopt me to this guruji said: “beta you are most welcome go in the next room and change your clothes and then come here but meanwhile also prepare and an answer to this: “why are you here”? the inspector got confused and went and while searching by mistake, he opened the room where the dead bodies were kept and to his surprise, he came out and took out his revolver and said: “hands up! everybody, nobody moves“. Guruji very calmly said calm down boy, we are not the culprits. We are like you, we are also saving people from harm and these bodies are here just to clear the panic in the city. We are going to burn them but I have a job for you, keep your revolver down and follow me.

Both went inside a room and to my shock and inspectors, there was a dark room and a glowing ball-like structure, in middle and said that: “boy this is the ball of future that my teacher gave to me, when he died. And I see everything, I also saw your motives and why you are here. But didn’t interrupt you as you are doing your job but its good that you are with us.

At the door, a bell rings and it’s almost the evening and Atul was on the door and Sada oped it and Atul came inside and said: “guruji there have been 2 more deaths today and I have come to know that a man walks the road late night with a torch kind of thing I am not sure what it was but it looked like a torch, yesterday night my friend saw him from his balcony and was scared the whole night”. To this guruji said both of you follow me and they three went inside the same room.

Guruji said: “Manish come here to take this dial, this shows that if there is positive or negative energy near you if it is on zero then it’s a human and if it’s on 3 then something is there which you should be afraid of and if it is on 6 then God saves you. Either you conquer the world or you die a tough death. And you, my son Atul this is a serum which you drink, but a drop your brain starts working faster. just drink one drop as the effects of an overdose can be harmful. I have never done it till now as my teacher used to yield this extract from Himalayan herbs so be careful it’s limited as he also didn’t tell me where to get these herbs. Last but not least this is a voice translator which one of my friends gave me back when we were young.

He was a scientist but died as he invented what was not worthy of humans. To this Manish said: guruji whats that. guruji said to leave it when the time will come I will tell you about it. My dear boys, I gave you what you wanted and Sadanand will be with you as you both know him well. After saying this guruji left the room and they both came in the lobby and Manish asked Atul how come you are here. You are just a boy don’t you go to college and study. To this, Atul replied yes! as a fact, I was minding my business but the incidents and guruji meeting me and saying he needs my help I came and now we are a team so let’s go.

Here our heroes go on a strange adventure of all time, with god knows! Gadgets to stop the fleed Soul Monger. That’s all folks for today stay tuned for more on talepost for stories like The Soul Monger: The Adventure and for updates visit our facebook.

Manish Suyal: