He might not be with us but his legacy still continues…..DR. Kalam

APJ Kalam: Missile man! yes, you read it right. Dr. Kalam might not be with us anymore but his vision and ideology are still with us which is still leading the ISRO and the budding scientists of this generation. not only these but a lot of Indians in India and abroad also. He was a great leader and an inspiring figure as a teacher, scientist, and president and many more.

His journey from a normal kid to the president of India has stated that if there is will there is a way and anybody can achieve whatever he wants if he is set in the right direction. some amazing facts about the missile man which can change your perspective of living life.

Dr. Kalam was a hardworking boy right from the beginning. At the tender age of five, he started selling newspapers to help his father support the family. He did this job in the evenings after school. He also spent a great deal of time on his studies.

DR. APJ Kalam was known as the ‘Missile Man’ of India due to his continued, successful work with ballistic missiles and launch vehicle technology.

DR. APJ Kalam missed an opportunity to become a fighter pilot for the Indian Air force. He was on the ninth spot on the list, and there were only eight openings. The first eight shortlisted candidates were recruited.

In 1969, DR. Kalam was made the project director for Satellite Launch Vehicles and was shifted to ISRO. The project became successful, and India, under the directorship of DR. Kalam, was able to launch the Rohini satellite series into Earth’s orbit. to know more continue on talepost.

Manish Suyal: