These changes will be a new Norm For IT Industry after Corona

Changes at the workplace after corona: When life comes to still, it simply gives you a chance to look back and find a better option to move again. So is the reflection of this lockdown. Various new ways to tackle the problem, a variety of options to work and ample of ways to stay safe and happy have popped up.

Considering the IT Workfront, we have witnessed various changes, out of which work from home is trending. Before lockdown, this was considered an option in extreme situations. But at present, this is the only valid option we have. This decision was made by firms at the risk of productivity but guess what it has opened a drastic number of options to work creatively. CEO’s of various firms believe that this work from home can be continued post lockdown with just a handful of staff at the workplace rest all working from home.

This would eventually lead to a huge team within a small workspace. Let us get aware of the changes in the workplace after corona that one will have to be the part of. Because these will be the norms post lockdown.

Norms to appear Post Lockdown

Meetings would confine to e-mails and IM

“Expect your post-pandemic work calendar to contain fewer meetings overall”, says Nadjiya Yousif, managing director, and partner of Boston Consulting Group’s London office. That completely indicates work from home is being promoted. And that is completely acceptable since people are more efficient in working from home.

No more business travel

Work is going on even after staying home during this lockdown. So why to waste money if things can happen over a video call. “I don’t think it (business travel) is going to be exactly the same”, says Garry Leff, a travel industry expert.

Also Read: 5+ Working From Home Tips During Quarantine

No more large workspace required

If the work efficiency is increased by working home then what is the need to have large workspace. Thereby all the points pin to an increased usage of work from home. With a little staff at the place.

Mandatory on the job medical screening

Post lockdown will be one of the essential norms for every employee visiting the workplace. Since the impact of Corona will sustain for the next 1-1.5 years. Thereby making health check-ups as a precautionary measure is compulsory.

Mask would be essential

As we know that this pandemic is at its peak. The situation will take time to get normal, so this mask will be an essential requirement. And will be one of the essential norms for the working employee.

Automation will be the new era

This will be one of the most preferred options. With increased automation, human intervention will decrease and that will prevent people from being further prone to any disease. That will help in making work happen from wherever place they are effective.

Closure of digital divide

Statistics say that approximately 21 million Americans have no access to the internet. With this pandemic now the digital advancement is being promoted. Which will further help to get rid of human intervention and will help to get rid of this digital divide?

Remote working

Now, this is the overall promoted gesture. Working from home or wherever comfortable, would help to increase the employee count without increasing the work area. Which would be beneficial for both the company and the staff.

So these are few of the changes in the workplace after corona that one will witness and be the part of.

Medhavi Singh: Medical professional, Writer and an Author. Aspiring to merge three and lead science to a different parameter.