Thick Smog Hangs Over Delhi After Diwali, Pollution 20 times over Safe Limit

Diwali celebrations in the country have reached a peak and festivities rage loudly all across the country, except for Delhi. Three days previously, weather officials had warned that smog hangs over Delhi and air quality in the national capital would deteriorate significantly. Yesterday, Delhi woke up to a smog-filled morning as the polluted air crept up their houses and roads. It was also found that in South Delhi, the levels of the harmful pollutant PM2.5 was at a very shocking 644, which is nearly twenty times the limit prescribed by the World Health Organisation as safe. The reports from the Delhi Pollution Control Board report that the air quality is very bad in certain areas, like Okhla.

Poor visibility
On Sunday, as smog hangs over Delh air quality had shown an increase with winds at high speeds. The government had also been striving to implement measures to improve air quality in Delhi. However, the residents of Delhi are finding difficulty with smog lying all around the roads. Visibility was very poor.

Smog hangs over Delhi and is extremely poisonous to human beings. It can cause sickness as well, resulting in emphysema, bronchitis and several other lung diseases. Smog hangs over Delhi due to stubble burning in neighbouring agricultural areas. Delhi has been suffering from severe environmental issues for a very long time due to overpopulation, over use of scarce resources and noise pollution. The national capital is facing very high pollution in the entire world. Several people, estimated to be around ten thousand in total, die from environmental pollution every year. More than one million Indians die from smog every year. The World Health Organisation maintains that Delhi has the worst air quality out of every major metropolis in the world.


 The Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology maintained that there was a decrease in the levels of air pollution in the city, with a sharp decrease in stubble burning and other sources. The checking of polluting vehicles and road congestion is high by the DPCC till November 10th. With such a hazardous situation where smog hangs over Delhi, it is now time to rethink ecological pollution in India.

Emergency Situation

Several reports indicate that despite adequate measures, smog hangs over Delhi and the air quality in Delhi is plunge to the ‘severe plus emergency situation’. Air quality is bad even if only partially toxic crackers are present. A latest report by Centre-run System of Air Quality Forecasting and Research (SAFAR) says that the levels of PM10 is expected to reach 575 and PM2.5 is expected to reach a dangerous level of 378 in the aftermath of the celebrations. In view of this, the Supreme Court has given a two hour window everyday. (Between 8 P.M and 10 PM) for the bursting of crackers. All across the country, the sale of green firecrackers have increased as well. This has caused other states to be on alert mode. 

Chetan Mittal: