This might interest you if you are a parent: This Diwali keep it Safe for Your Kids

This might interest you if you are a parent: In India, Diwali is one of the most awaited times of the year for kids and adults alike. The delightful decoration, mouth-watering sweets and the joyous environment during the festival can lift anyone’s spirits. Whether it’s cleaning the house, going shopping or burning firecrackers, every aspect of the festival fills our hearts with anticipation. However, with the joy and excitement comes the danger of fatal fire accidents and injuries. It is extremely vital to take certain safety precautions to avoid any unfortunate incidents on the awaited occasion. It is especially necessary to take care of your kids who may not be as responsible as you are. As per the reports, the majority of the accidents on Diwali involve kids. So, here we are with some effective tips to make this Diwali safe for the little ones.

Image result for Kids celebrating Diwali with parents HD Images HDImage result for Kids celebrating Diwali with parents HD Images HD
• Keep them in sight: Whatever you do, keep an eye on your children at all times. Whether you are cleaning the house, completing decorations, making sweets, painting rangoli, burning crackers or performing pooja, try to involve the kids in these activities by assigning them a few easy tasks. Doing this will not only keep them around where you can easily supervise them but also give them a complete festive experience.
• Burn crackers in a safe way: Crackers are the obvious cause of the majority of the accidents that occur on Diwali. Celebrating a cracker-free Diwali is the best and most eco-friendly way of celebrating the festival. However, it is very difficult to prevent children from engaging in the activity. So, the least you can do is to ensure their safety while they have fun. Make sure the firecrackers are suitable for the kid’s age. Make them light the crackers in an open area away from vehicles and other inflammable objects. Remember to keep a bucket of water nearby just in case things go wrong. Warn them to keep an appropriate distance from the burning crackers. Also, you can buy them eco-friendly firecrackers made from recycled paper to minimize pollution.
• Choose their attire carefully: Even though wearing fancy clothes is a big part of Diwali, the safety of your kids is obviously more important. So, while buying festive clothes for your children, avoid choosing outfits made from synthetic material. Synthetic or thin clothes catch fire very easily and are not at all appropriate for wearing on the occasion. Make your children change into tight-fitting cotton clothes before they run off to burn crackers. Also, make sure they wear footwear that completely covers their feet to avoid any feet injuries.
• Double-check the electrical lights: Electrical lights have become one of the most commonly used ways of decorating houses these days. So, pay attention to the quality of these lights and make sure no loose wires are lying around. Try keeping these lights out of the kids’ reach and also warn them against trying to touch the wires.
• Position the diyas with care: Diyas have always been a major part of Diwali. However, take care of where you place these diyas. Make sure there are no combustible objects nearby. Also, if there are any toddlers in the houses, try to place the diyas on an elevated position where they can’t be reached by the kids. Don’t fill them till the brim to avoid oil spillage and slippery floors.

Keep these safety tips in mind to make this Diwali safe, happy and memorable for your kids.
