Golden Skull: Time is for traveling within its dimensions

Golden Skull: India is a land of many stories. a lot of legends have walked their struggling roads and have achieved success here. but we are fixed on some suitable genres of writing. We present to you a little piece of Indian sci-fi, thriller, and drama under one roof so be with us if you love reading and want to challenge your creativity.

Golden Skull: Time is for Traveling

It’s in one of the million chances that destiny comes to you without you even knowing about it. The same incidents happened with this boy. who was destined for what others and he didn’t even think of and even the god didn’t think of? Anurag a normal guy of this era got into such situations that even god was amazed because this thing totally changed the laws of the universe.

In one silent night at 12 am this boy Anurag woke and started walking towards his bathroom, nothing seemed so different neither to him nor to me who was writing this story but the thing didn’t stop now. He remembered going to the bathroom but was not aware of it. Now he came out of the washroom and got on his bed and slept again. The very next day when he woke up. He was getting ready for college. He is a student of neuron-science in SYL university with a good brain and a very strong spirit of working hard. In the morning while getting ready, he was looking in the mirror and as he turned his back towards the mirror by accident he saw a tattoo on his right shoulder. Out of exclamation he stopped right there and started pondering that he hasn’t made any tattoo on any part of his body then how did this happen. He was astounded as to how this thing can happen. He started off remembering the things that he did lately and nothing came to his mind. He then stopped there and got confused for once he thought that this might be any mischief that his friends would have done. He goes to the bathroom and takes the soap and tries to wash off the tattoo but the tattoo wouldn’t come off. without options he ignored that thing and went to college after reaching the college he asked his friends that has anything strange happened to him nowadays, as he has got a tattoo and to that, his friends replied that they are not aware of any such happenings. Later he came home enjoyed watching a movie late at night and went to the bed. Again that night he woke up at 12. this time also he headed to his bathroom and in the morning found himself in the bed with no memories of what happened last night but today when he woke up he went near to his mirror and saw another tattoo on his back this time it has reached a limit, but what can he do. He tried to think that what wrong could have happened in these days which got him, two tattoos on his back he stood and checked his bathroom but there were no signs of anything wrong. There this time he was totally confused and thought of waking up the whole night. He tried but at 12 he got to go to the bathroom and he went but woke up in his bed with no memories of last night. one more tattoo was there on his back. This time he got angry and tried on putting on CCTV cameras on his room walls. So he did that he installed cameras and waited for the next day. He checked the cameras. At one time, they were working when he was standing near to his bed but when he came closer to the bathroom the lights went off. nothing was captured, this time he brought night vision CCTV cameras and installed them and followed the events on the next day. when he saw the recordings his eyes rolled and his opened jaw make this strange event stranger. What he saw was like what happened in English movies. as he was walking towards his bathroom in the recording. as he stepped his foot in the bathroom a strong blue light came and the cameras went off again. Now when he saw this. His whole world turned upside down.

Golden Skull: Wait does it seem too imaginary and non-real. Can science fiction be seen in Hollywood movies but this time the plot has changed it has Indian characters and everything Indian with an Indian writer. Writer writing the whole Indian and spicy story with a little bit of Indian science fiction in it.

Now continuing the story Mr. Anurag was totally getting scared of the following events which were happening with him. His confusion is justified with all the tattoos on his body and the blue light that he saw coming from his bathroom. Again he stood awake the night and at exact 12 in the night. he started walking towards his bathroom and as he rotated the bathroom’s doorknob and the lights went off.

Wait does it feels all the cliché moves from Hollywood? Yes, it is a bit repetitive as the writer didn’t have any idea of portraying it. So bear with it. now continuing as he stepped in the bathroom and entered it. the light did come and it was like a flash but nothing really happened it was the same bathroom as it used to be except everything was made of gold be it the water taps and the shower.

Golden Skull: See I was told to say this is not a normal science fiction some of it might seem cliché but the whole concept and story is new at least the writer thinks. so bear with it and continue. He comes out of the bathroom nothing has changed but again he feels thirsty and started walking towards the kitchen on the lower floor. But the kitchen was missing then he roamed in the house and saw the photos hanging on the wall but any of the photos was not having him there was an old man with his sons and everything he saw was made of gold even the knives and spoons. To see more, he moved out of the house and saw the whole neighborhood changed. there were tall buildings which he never saw in front of his house. At that moment he thought, he is dreaming but no car passed away from him. But the car was totally different it was not having tires. The body was levitated from the ground and it looked like that something was holding the car. He followed the car and came a bit far from home. And after walking a lot he stopped in front of a shop and asked for water from the shopkeeper. He got the water and gave it to him and Anurag drank it and in return, he gave 20 rupees to the shopkeeper. but the shopkeeper didn’t take it. Here this is what I was talking about.

Golden Skull: How could this be possible but who am I to say anything. It is all the writers’ creativity I am just a storyteller. So without any further ado lets carry on with the story. The shopkeeper doesn’t take the 20 rupees note and instead of it, he stamped a tattoo on his hand.

Wait now it seems clear that how he was getting all these tattoos on his body. He was coming to this place every day and was buying water and other stuff. The writer is not as stupid as I thought it is a little different from what I have experienced until now. And this is all for today and for the first chapter of this story and a sequel is awaiting for your entertainment and the writer have said this to me to say to you all” suspense me jeene ka maza hi alag hai”. to know more continue on Talepost for stories like “Golden Skull”

Manish Suyal: