Top 10 Best Test Tube Baby Centres in India

Medical sciences have acquired new heights in today’s world. There are few other methods of reproduction also. Today, Talepost brings its readers the list of “Top 10 Best Test Tube Baby Centers in India.”

Top 10 Best Test Tube Baby Centers in India

1. Apollo Hospitals Center for Assisted Reproduction

Apollo is one of the most well-established brands for various medical treatments. Without any second thoughts, Apollo Hospitals Center for Assisted Reproduction is surely one of the top 10 best test tube baby centres in India. This medical institution has been improving the lives of the couples from all around the world.

2. Max Healthcare

The next reputed test tube baby centre in India is Max Healthcare. Here, the doctors are well trained to counter the problem of infertility. The facilities given to patients here are such as hatching of egg and sperm fertilization outside of the body.

3. Sir Ganga Ram Hospital

Sri Ganga Ram Hospital is one of the most famous and trusted hospitals in India. People from different parts of the world to get themselves treated. The doctors and nurses here are specialist Gynecologists, embryologist, Fertility.

4. Dr. L H Hiranandani Hospital

This is one of the most known and trusted IVC centre. Therefore, we have listed Dr L H Hiranandani Hospital as one of the top 10 best test tube baby centres in India. This hospital also offers the option of surrogacy to the couples.

5. WellSpring IVF Center

This test tube baby centre is located in Ahemadabad. WellSpring IVF Center is one of the most medical institutions which is known in the whole world for its excellent health care facilities. WellSpring IVF Center in the year 2018 had completed 3000 successful IVF.

6. Infertility India

It is another one of the top 10 best test tube baby centers in India. Infertility India has all the experienced group of doctors and well-equipped medical rooms. There are around 5 five branches in different parts of India.
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7. Delhi Fertility and Hormone Center

This is another very reputed medical center for test tube babies in India. It offers world class treatment for most of the health problems. Hence, it is one of the top 10 best test tube baby center in India.

8. Virk Centre for Human Reproduction

his test tube baby centre is located in one of the fastest developing cities of India, Jalandhar. Virk Centre for Human Reproduction has a success rate of about 72.54%.

9. Indira Infertility Clinic and Research Center

When we are talking about best test tube baby centers in India, it would be an injustice if we do not mention the name of Indira Infertility Clinic and Research Center.

10. Dr. Malagaonkar’s Progenesis Fertility Center

Last but not least, the other one of the top 10 best test tube baby centres in India is Dr Malagaonkar’s Progenesis Fertility Center. It has its two branches, one in Thane and the other one in Nashik.
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Gargi Rohatgi: