India has a lot to work: Top 10 companies in India which will destroy the economy, if shutdown!

Top 10 companies in India: The economic status of a nation decides the status of that nation. Forming a giant structure requires small-handed support from every sector. If these sectors somehow suffer a setback, then it definitely puts a dent on the structure formed.

Top 10 companies in India: Well the giant here is the Indian economy and the Indian revenue-generating companies are the small-handed support. The economy significantly depends on the export rate and export versatility of that nation. In order to be an exporter the fundamental requirement demands for getting giant manufacturers, who firmly believe in providing the best output in less span of time and who aspire to maintain the nation’s integrity.

India being an economic giant, ranks 5th globally in terms of nominal GDP whereas 3rd in terms of purchasing power parity. With such a rapid pace of growth, India has become the world’s fastest-growing economy, surpassing China in terms of its growth rate. Such a giant economy is not a result of single-day effort or single-handed support. But a result of firm support and hard work put in every day by all the sectors.

Top 10 companies in India: A strong entrepreneurial spirit amongst the prevailing middle class has added a ladder to the hilltop. This portrays the future image of the nation, not only the giant manufacturers but these budding entrepreneurs and the feeling to become so will pace up the development process and will act as a studded frame to the Indian economy.

Let us hop down to ponder the compiled list of 10 giant companies that construct the economic frameworks of India.

1) Oil and Natural Gas Corporation ltd.

Top 10 companies in India: ONGC is an Indian multinational crude oil and gas corporation. It is a firm of Indian government under the administrative control of Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas. Which produces an approximate of 70% of domestic crude oil.

It generates revenue of: US $47 billion

Tax paid: Rs.13,238.24 crore (Being the largest taxpayer).

2) Reliance Pvt. Ltd.

It is the largest private sector company generating the highest revenue and being the second-highest taxpayer.

It generates revenue of the US $57.9 billion (Being the largest revenue generator)

Tax paid: Rs.12,204.00 crore

3) HDFC Bank

Top 10 companies in India: It is an Indian banking and finance sector. It is the largest bank in India by market capitalization.

It generates revenue of the US $17 billion

Tax paid: Rs.11,121.49 crore

4) Tata Consultancy Service (TCS)

Top 10 companies in India: It is an Indian multinational information technology service and consultancy company. It is the second-largest company by market capitalization.

It generates revenue of the US $20.9 billion

Tax paid: Rs.10,640 crore

5) Indian Oil Corporation (IOC)

Top 10 companies in India: It is an Indian state government-owned oil and gas company. It turns to be the largest commercial oil company in the country.

It generates revenue of the US $59.9 billion

Tax paid: Rs.8,232.77 crore

6) Imperial Tobacco Company (ITC)

Largest company for manufacturing tobacco products in India. It is a conglomerate industry.

It generates revenue of the US $7.75 billion

Tax paid: Rs.5,979.84 crore

7) Tata Steel

It is Indian steel making multinational company. It is a subsidiary of the Tata group.

It generates revenue of: US $20.41 billion

Tax paid: Rs.5,694.06 crore

8) Infosys

It is the second largest IT industry after Tata consultancy service.

It generates revenue of the US $14.47 billion

Tax paid: Rs.5,225 crore

9) JSW Steel

It is an Indian steel making company. It is spread over 140 countries. It is a subsidiary of JSW group.

It generates revenue of the US $12 billion

Tax paid: Rs.3,558.00 crore

10) Reliance communication

It is a subsidiary of the Reliance group. Serves as an Indian mobile network provider that offers 2G, 3G and 4G data services.

It generates revenue of $40.15 billion

Tax paid: Rs.3,558.00 crore

The above data itself indicates the contribution made by each company in carving the economic framework of India.

What will happen if these companies are ceased forever?

The mere thought of it is horrifying and devastating. If somehow these companies shut down then the Indian economy will fall into a deep gorge, recovering from which would be something near to impossible, coming back to pace will then be a great task to achieve. Not only the companies the entire nation will suffer from the ill effects of it. For e.g. hiked prices of every commodity from basic to luxurious etc. Survival expectancy of middle and below class will become a big question mark then.

To conclude I would just say that the economy is not just for nations or parties in rule or companies generating one. It is for us, for the countrymen. So along with these large sectors, we should try to inculcate the habit of working in the direction of uplifting the nation’s integrity rather than demolishing one. to know more continue on talepost.

Medhavi Singh: Medical professional, Writer and an Author. Aspiring to merge three and lead science to a different parameter.