Top 10 Greatest Kings in the World’s History

Since time unknown humans have always followed a race which is lead by a leader. In past years, people have witnessed many great kings who displayed power. Many leaders have come and gone but the ones who displayed excellent leadership and power are only remebered.

Top 10 Greatest Kings in the World

1. Cyrus The Great

His actual name is Cyrus II of Persia. Cyrus was born in a minor royal family. He is the first among many great kings who gave charter of human rights. Cyrus The Great died on 4 December 530 BC. He is one of the top 10 greatest Kings in the world.

2. King Augustus Caesar

He belonged from Rome and was born in 63 BC. King Augustus helped Rome to expand its lands in the country, Hungary, Egypt, Spain and a few more. He did many achievements for his people of Rome.

3. Pharaoh Thutmose III of Egypt

The next greatest King in the world is Pharaoh Thutmose III and he was one among the first rulers to discover the use of sea supplies and hydro power. Not many people are aware of the fact, that Pharaoh was asked to sit on throne when we was just 7-years-old. He maintained the record of winning all the battles he went out for.

4. Ashoka The Great

There are many times, when we hear of Ashoka The Great in our folk tales. He is known to be the founder of the great Maurya Dynasty. Ashoka followed the path of Buddhism after witnessing massive blood shed in one of his battles. The responsibility of the throne was put on his shoulders after the death of his father.

5. King Henry VIII of England

English Reformation was initiated by King Henry VIII of England. The king has married six women because he wanted to have son who would further run his throne after him. Although, this desire of King Henry was not fulfilled because he was blessed with 2 daughters who later were known to become very brave Queen of England. He died in the year 1547.

6. King Tamerlane

He was born in 1336 and was popularly known was “Timur The Lane”. During his term serving as a King, he claimed countries such as Persia, Armenia, Georgia and also some parts of Russia. Hence, he is surely one of the top 10 greatest Kings in the world.

7. Attila the Hun

He is known to be the emperor of the country, Hungary and was also called by the name of ‘The Scourge of God’. For more than 20 years he ruled and bought a lot of victories to his throne. He died in the year 453.

8. King Louis XIV of France

The main target of King Louis was to establish sovereignty rule among his people. On one hand, he achieved many victories and on her hand, he was also known to be one of the most scandalous emperors.

9. Alexander The Great

He is known to be one such ruler, whose name almost every person knows all over the world. Alexander conquered the country of Greece at a very young age of 22 years.

10. Genghis Khan

The King, Genghis Khan surely deserves to be listed in top 10 greatest Kings in the world. He was born in the year 1162. Genghis Khan later went on to capture Afghanistan and Northern China.

Gargi Rohatgi: