Top 10 List of Famous Indian Spices Used In Cooking For Indian Dishes

Be it the ravishing red of the mace spice that covers the seed of nutmeg or
the alluringly aromatic flower buds- cloves;

Top 10 List of Famous Indian Spices Used In Cooking For Indian Dishes

The saga of spices is splendid!
If we turn to the pages of history, one could always sight how the famous
Indian spices and Garam Masalas have played a pivotal role in attracting
travelers, traders, and invaders to the country and thus shaping the course
of world history, which is quite remarkable. No wonder that India is labeled
as the Spice bowl of the World!
Indians are seasoned in spicing up their delicious dishes with the vibrant
array of spices they have in stock. It’s certain that they have mastered the
art of blooming up the spices in culinary and the flair with which they use it
for medical purposes. Oh well! It’s all in the Indian genes!!!
And here we have such 10 famous Indian spices and Garam Masalas that
will help you plate the dishes with some spice, sweet and tangy flavors
along with some glorious garnish!


This air-opened flower bud is a great flavoring agent for culinary purposes
and is used in whole or ground form. The flavor blends in well with both
sweet and savory dishes. One could spot cloves in the mix of Chai Masala
and Garam Masala. Apart from culinary use, its antibiotic and antiseptic
properties find a high medical value. Cloves are one among the Famous Indian Spices used daily in housholds. Be warned to use them sparingly. Only a pinch of it can do wonders to your
dish. Moreover one could sing ‘ Am in love with the shape of you!…’ while
you set to garnish the dish and simply sticking it on sweet dishes could
infuse flavors quite well!


This aromatic seed-like fruit is a key ingredient in many spice blend and
curry powders. With its slightly bitter taste and a warm flavor, one could use
it as a seed or freshly grounded for intense flavor. Its aromatic odor has
barged it to be a must in all savory recipes namely; fish, meat, stews,
vegetables etc. It’s advised to toast it out like every other spice to bring out
its essence!
Though using Cumens can be risky at times due to chances of heartburns
and heavy menstrual cycle, it’s property to burn calories and to increase
metabolism and digestion is a plus point.


This spice is a staple element in garam masala and is the oldest known
spices. Though all parts of the plant are edible, the leaves and seeds make
the most of it in cooking. The seeds need to be drily toasted till they attain a
golden- brown tinge before you set to add them in the recipe. Nevertheless,
it is an antioxidant and prevents the delay and spoilage of food.
Well, the lush green color of cardamom leaves as a garnish and the
golden-yellow hue of the seeds as a spice is truly blissful to the eyes!!


Oh! The popping and dancing of these black beauties are a sight to watch
out for sure! Be cautious enough to keep a distance when they get
tempered in the oil pan to release their rich peppery flavor.
Though we have variants of mustard in terms of its color, black is
preferred for its strong flavor. The oil with popped seeds are used to
season vegetables and soups and has got a spicy smell like that of curry


Now, this is what we call the finishing spice!
One could label this as the hallmark of Indian spices for its versatility. The
spice profile is rich in flavors of black peppercorns, mace, cinnamon,
cloves, brown and green cardamom, and nutmeg. It got the name Garam
Masala as it elevates the body temperature with the perfect blend of the
spices. Though one could go for the packaged blend, a self-made mix just
before you set to cook could win everyone’s heart as the freshness retains.
Toast all the spices and then grind it perfectly to achieve a balanced effect.
Add it only when the recipe is almost finished and don’t wait till the fragrant
flavor cook-off or turn bitter.
Sprinkle out some magic in your dish and let it burst with flavors!!


It would be quite hard to filter out the Indian savory dishes without spotting
turmeric powder in the recipe. The vivid golden-yellow spice brings out a
rich look to the Indian cuisine. Apart from being used as a flavoring agent
and color additive, its inflammatory property is of great remark in


With its green and black variant, cardamom pods contain seeds within
them that have a pungent flavor with some minty and smoky aroma. One
could use the pods as whole or grind them. The pods as a whole are used
in basmati rice and curries. The ground ones find its place in desserts. And
when you are gleeful add some pods in your Chai to give it a festive twist!


This famous Indian spice tops the charts for its exotic sweet flavor. Mostly
used for dessert, its delicate sweetness makes it to savory recipes as well.
Cassia is a close acquaintance of cinnamon and resembles a tree bark.
Moreover, the antioxidant and the anti-diabetic qualities of cinnamon adds
to its fame!


It’s a gem amongst the bunch of Indian spices we have seen and hails from
Malabar and the Western Ghats. Best flavor comes out when it is freshly
ground and sprinkled to give a spicy, peppery taste in curries and soups.


Another most used spices are the mace and nutmeg. With mace being
the dark-red delicate outer covering within which the nutmeg is placed.
Both nutmeg and mace are obtained by removing the pulpy cover. It’s one of
the blends in Garam Masala. They are dried and stored for the use in the future.
Avoid toasting them unlike other spices as it destroys its delicate flavor.

“All glory to these scintillating spices that rejuvenate your taste

Komal Sinha: