Top 10 most important Hinduism gods that Hindu devotees worship to

Hinduism GodsHinduism Gods

Hinduism Gods: “GOD” the word itself, is filled with power, purity, and optimism and that bestows within us the feeling of strength. India with its cultural diversity, beliefs, and pious practicing is known as the land of spirituality. Imagining an Indian separate from its spirituality or it’s diety is not possible.

Being a house to a variety of cultures and traditions, the country offers versatility in every section. As we are well aware of the fact that god or the supreme power is one. But due to unnumbered religion and versatility even in a single religion, the image of that supreme power gets modified. People have figured the structure of that supreme power in different forms representing different qualities and learnings from each.

So here we have a list of deities that Hinduism gods believe in. And believing in them adds an inner strength within.

About Hindu Dieties

All the deities that we worship are always a significant representation of some ideal quality that directs us in a certain way. The three most powerful deities among all are Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh.

Brahma or Lord Brahma is known as the creator. He is considered to be the creator of all the four Vedas. And he is the creator of the universe. Vishnu maintains the creation of Brahma. He is the lord of maintenance or a preserver. Shiva the destroyer, he is meant to be a destructor of evil and then create a balance.

List of Hinduism Gods

1. Shiva

Shiva the destroyer who destroys the world allowing Brahma to re-create the structure. He is considered as the most generous lord amongst all. Shiva is known for his power, patience, dance, and anger. He is also known as Natraj because of his beautiful dance and mudras.

2. Vishnu

Vishnu amongst the Hindu Trinity is the preserver of the creation of Lord Brahma. In various forms, he is worshipped all over the nation. Vishnu is a peaceful and merciful deity, whose Sudarshan chakra guards the entire universe.

3. Ganesha

Lord Ganesha is the son of Lord Shiva and Lordess Parvati. He is symbolic of intelligence and obedience. His worship feels most friendly. He is relatable when it comes to food and his special Modak. It is considered pious and lucky to worship Lord Ganesha before beginning and work or auspicious occasion.

4. Krishna

One of the most loved deities amongst Hindus is Lord Krishna. People choose a phase of his life and worship that phase throughout their life. He is known for his soft-heartedness, as his heart melts down on a single call of his devotee if that comes straight from the heart.

5. Hanuman

Lord Hanuman, is symbolic of obedience and loyalty which he had offered to Lord Rama during his entire life. He is known for his physical strength, intelligence, and intellectual mind. According to the scriptures, he is immortal.

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6. Rama

He is one of the avtaar of Vishnu and is entitled as the most dignified man (Maryada Purushottam). Lord Rama is symbolic of patience, perseverance, obedience, and righteousness. Every year the entire nation celebrates Diwali to commemorate the returning of Lord Rama, Lordess Sita, and Lord Lakshman from their 14 years of exile.

7. Lakshmi

Lordess Lakshmi is symbolic of wealth and prosperity. People immensely worship her for gaining both physical and mental prosperity. She is a perfect diety to imbibe peace just with a peaceful view of her. With her four arms depicting her four powers, she sits on a beautiful lotus which is the symbolization of imbibing peace along with prosperity.

8. Saraswati

Lordess Saraswati is symbolic of education, art, and culture. She is idolized as a lord dawned with beautiful white (denotes peace) saree, with Veena in her hand and a beautiful white lotus that she chooses to sit on and adorable white swan sitting close to her. The complete picture of her fills within peace and silent wave of satisfaction.

9. Durga

One of the most powerful lords who symbolizes a fiery nature. She is the protector of what is right and destroys any of the evil happenings. Lordess Durga is pictured with 10 hands and all of them are armed and she sits on Tiger that describes her strength and power.

10. Kali

Lord Kali is symbolic of fire. One of the avtaar of Lord Parvati that believes in destroying all the evil and negative energy that prevails in society.

So these were some of the Hinduism gods, worshiping to them is worshiping to the ideal and praying to be atleast better than the present version of us.

Medhavi Singh: Medical professional, Writer and an Author. Aspiring to merge three and lead science to a different parameter.