Top 10 powerful countries in the world: Strength of the army decides the strength of that nation. The presence of a great army is proportional to the security of the nation, is further proportional to a sigh of relief of its countrymen. Army personnel is the one who dedicates their entire life, sacrificing their family, their enjoyment, to work for the nation. To guard the nation against any foreign disturbing element.
It is the strength of the army, its armaments and the dedication to serve its nation that strengthens the nation indeed. Here is a list of the top 10 powerful countries in the world with their powerful armed force.
Top 10 powerful countries in the world
United States

Army strength: 1.4 million soldiers and 800,000 reservists.
The yearly budget for the army: $612.5 billion
Features: It has 7500 nuclear warheads. One of the leading fighter aircrafts producers. It has a super fine technology like New rail gun. This is one of the most powerful armies since WW-II.

Army strength: It has 766,000 active armed personnel and approximately 2.5 million reservists.
Yearly Budget: $76.6 billion
Features: It is the largest tank force with approximately 15,500 tanks. This country has 8500 nuclear warheads. The army budget is expected to grow by 44% in the upcoming years.

Army strength: 2.285 million active army and 2.3 million reservists.
Yearly budget: $126 billion
Features: Being the world’s largest land force with 25,000 fighter land vehicles. Comprises of 2800 aircraft, 300 nuclear weapons and has 180 different deployment methods.

Army strength: 1.325 million active personnel and 1.175 million reservists.
Yearly budget: $46 billion
Features: Comprises of 16,000 land vehicles that accommodate 3,500 tanks. Consists of 1,785 aircraft. India is one of the largest military equipment importer and about to get more strong by 2020.
United Kingdom

Army strength: 205,000 army personnel
Yearly budget: $54 billion
Features: Comprises of aircraft strength of 908 and navy strength of 66 ships. This stands as a strong army power because of its 160 nuclear weapons.

Army strength: 220,000 active army with 500,000 reservist.
Yearly Budget: $43 billion
Features: Comprises of 1000 aircraft and 9000 of ground vehicles. This is a strong army due to its strong nuclear hold i.e. a total of 290 nuclear weapons. This army has a strong deployment strength.

Army strength: 183,000 active army and 145,000 reservist.
Yearly budget: $45 billion
Features: Comprises of total of 710 aircraft and 5000 ground armaments. The generation that came up after several wars that defeated Germany was against the nation getting militarized thereby army strength significantly degraded.

Army strength: 660,000 army personnel
Yearly budget: $18.8 billion
Features: Has a total of 1000 aircraft and 16,000 ground armaments. Turkey has increased its investment to the army by 10% from 2015. Releasing the strong need of it. Having a strong and better relationship with the US makes it posses moral strength.
South Korea

Army strength: 640,000 active army and 2,900,000 reservist.
Yearly budget: $34 billion
Features: This has 1393 aircraft making it the world’s 6th largest air force. Consisting of 166 ships, 15,000 ground armaments, and 2,346 tanks. It makes it one of the strong army in the world.

Army strength: 247,000 active army and 60,000 reservist.
Yearly budget: $49.1 billion
Features: Comprises of 1595 aircraft making it 5th strongest air force in the world. Has a total of 131 warships. With its advancing technologies in the army, it is creating a strong impression of its army strength in Asia.
So these were the top 10 powerful countries in the world in terms of the army.
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