Top 10 Richest Countries in the World

There are about 200 countries in the world and the criteria upon which the wealth of the country is determined is, GDP per Capita. We bring you the top 10 richest countries in the world.

1. Qatar

With the annual income of about $124.930 ranks as one of the richest countries in the world. Qatar has a population of about 2.27 million. The major revenue source which makes this country rank on the topmost of the list is fuel.

2. Luxembourg

With the annual income of about $109,190, Luxembourg is also on our list of top 10 richest countries in the world. and it has a population of about 600,000 and this country possesses a strong workforce.

3. Singapore

With the annual income of about $90,530 and it has a growing population of approximately 5.6 million and still in the process of increasing. Singapore’s export-oriented fields are the major reason behind its ever-growing economy.

4. Brunei

With the annual income of $76,740 and a population of about 400,000, this wealthy country has its own hand of power in the oil industry. The other important source for the economic growth of Brunei is its, gas industry.

5. Ireland

With the annual income of about $72,630, Ireland is also listed among the top 10 richest countries in the world. This country spends a lot on investment and construction drove. Hence, this country is listed in the top 5 richest countries worldwide.

6. Norway

With the annual income of $70,590 with the population over 5 million. This country was also successful in lowering its unemployment rate since the last summer.

7. Kuwait

With an annual income of $69,670 with approximately more than 4 million population. Kuwait on the basis of its wealth is one of the richest countries in the world. There was a time in the year 2016 when Kuwait faced a drop in its economy because of the drop in oil prices but later the same country also witnessed growth in the non-oil sectors.

8. United Arab Emirates (UAE)

With the annual income of about $68,250 and a population of about 10 million. The United Arab Emirates witnessed its economic growth through its oil industry. The oil industry is such a major reason behind the economic growth that has listed UAE among the richest countries in the world.

9. Switzerland

With the annual income of about $61,360 with about 8 million population. In the year 2016, this country had faced great economic losses but soon in the same year, it was back on its feet to recover all the economic loss.

10. Hong Kong

With the annual income of about $61,020, stand in the list of the top 10 richest countries of the world. This territory has a population of about 7 million. The main source of economic growth of the country is its tourism.

Gargi Rohatgi: