The Top 10 Most Spoken Languages in India

Most Spoken Languages in India: India is the country that is well known in the world for uniqueness and diversity. There are many religions in India that are followed by many people and so the same is for languages. Different religions follow as well as practice different languages.  There are more than 300 languages spoken in India but the top ten languages are as follows-

Here is the list of Top 10 Most Spoken Languages In India


Bengali is spoken by approximately 8% of the population in India. It is the second most spoken language after Hindi in our country and the superior thing about the language Bengali is that our National Anthem is also composed in Bengali and it is a proud thing for us.


Hindi is the language that is widely accepted and also spoken by the maximum population of India. This is the language which we people can learn easily and it is also known as the mother tongue of citizens of India.


Undoubtedly it is known as the language of warriors and Marathi is spoken by approximately 7% of the population. The languages are mainly accepted as well as spoken in the states named Maharashtra, Goa, Daman and Diu, Dadra and Nagar Haveli.


Gujarati is one of the sweetest languages that is spoken by almost 4% of the people of India. It was the first language that was spoken by Mahatma Gandhi. The language is a mixture of three languages ie Sindhi, Urdu and Gujarati. Furthermore, the language is majorly spoken in the areas of Gujarat, Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu.


The language is spoken by 5 million people in the country. It is one of the sweetest and beautiful languages spoken by the people. In past time many poets wrote beautiful and meaningful poems in Urdu that are famous until now. It is the official language of people of Pakistan and is also spoken Indian Muslims and is named after the language of beauty and grace.


It is known as the language of kings and is the official language of people of Punjab. The language is friendly and connecting it just creates a positive and different atmosphere in the place where it is spoken. The language is happily accepted by every person and also there are many Punjabi songs and movies happily accepted by the people of India because the language is all about enjoying.


One of the famous languages spoken by the people of India. People of many countries speak English and it is the common language to communicate to the people of other countries because it is difficult to memorize other languages and communicate. Almost 10% of the population of India speaks English. Universal popularity makes the English langauge a one of most popular spoken languages in world and it is largely acceptable in India too.


The language is spoken by the people of Kerela, Pudducherry, and Lakshwadeep, as well as over 3% of India’s population, speak Malayalam. Malayalam is the 8 the famous language among the 18 known languages spoken in India.


The language is spoken by almost 7% of the population of India, Telugu is also among most spoken languages in India, mostly in suthern parts of the country. It is known as the Italian language of the Eastside. The amazing fact about the Telugu language is that the number of people speaking Telugu in India is more than the number of people speaking French for the first time.


The language is very sweet and respectful there are many different types of languages spoken by the locals of Rajasthan as well as also the language gives a feeling of respect and makes feel like the royal language and reflect the traditions and culture of Rajasthan specifically. Considering the geography and regional popularity Rajasthani is in one of the most spoken languages in India.

Ashwarya Ralhan: