Top 5 Gift Ideas for Him and Her This Valentine’s 2019

Are you also one of many scrolling through the internet to find a perfect gift for your special someone? Valentine’s week has already come to its half way and everyone is very much puzzled about the gift idea. Selecting a Valentine’s Day gift can be very challenging. Talepost has come to the rescue of its reader by listing, “Top 5 gift ideas for him and her on Valentine’s Day”.

Top 5 Gift Ideas for Her on Valentine’s Day

1. Buy her the watch, she always wished for

When it comes to select gift for your lady love, gifting a watch she always wanted is one of the best decision. A watch is a perfect gift for a women. Gifting a watch will make her realize how precious her time is for you and how the time has changed for good since she met you.

2. Chocolate Hamper

Everyone are well-aware of the soft-corner women have for chocolates. When you cannot decide anything to gift your girl, chocolate comes to your rescue. Pack few of her favorite chocolates and add a love note to her saying how much she means to it and it can make her smile whole day long.

3. Gift her the book of her favorite author

If your girl is a fan of reading, then nothing could beat the idea of gifting her a book from her favorite author. This will not only make her feel loved but also make her realize the fact that you value her passion for reading.

4. A simple movie date

Gift is not supposed to be the most expensive one but surely something given with pure heart. Nothing can be better than going on a movie-date with your partner on valentine’s day and enjoy each other’s company. This is surely one of the best gift ideas for her on Valentine’s Day.

5. A piece of jewellery she will always wear

By jewellery, we do not mean only the precious ones. Rather you can decide to gift any piece of jewellery, be it gold, silver or even artificial. There is a thing about gifting jewellery that females always obsess over and happy to receive.

Top 5 Gift Ideas for Him on Valentine’s Day

1. Beard Kit

These days it has become a fashion statement to grow beard. Therefore, gifting your man a beard kit is one of the best choice of gift for this Valentines.

2. Watch

Watch is a perfect choice of gift for men and women both. If you are planning to gift your man a watch, then selecting it from his favorite brands is an excellent idea.

3. Keychain

Men have this strange obsession of owning different styles of key chains for their vehicles. This Valentines make your man feel special by gifting him a unique keychain.

4. Shirt he always wanted to buy

If you decide to gift your love of life a shirt on Valentine’s Day, then you are sure to see that big smile flash on his face. Choose a shirt from the brand he wears and you have him to you.

5. Headphones or Earphone

If you man is find of music then gifting him a pair of cool earphones or headphones is a perfect choice. Buy them from the brand which is his favorite.

Talepost family wishes our readers a happy and full of love Valentine’s Week.

Gargi Rohatgi: