Top 5 polluted cities in India:- Thick black Smog is making you and your future ‘TOXIC’

Top 5 polluted cities in India:- We, the Indians are living in a hazardous way. we are inhaling the most toxic air in these days. The burning crops are making us unhealthy and impure in all his way. Most of us are suffering from severe cold and cough nowadays. there are many other reasons for polluting the air, that we breathe. i.e., vehicle emissions, construction works, firecrackers. As each of us always has thought for our future and the next generation. Giving them the best life in every way as what we can do for them.

Not only Delhi-NCR, but there are also many other metropolitans cities that are living under a thick black smog. The most effecting reason behind this issue is the bursting of firecrackers this Diwali. According to the data released, there are 7 cities out of 10 are in India, which ranks in the most polluted city in the world. Recently, NASA has shown the images of stubble burning of crops from the satellite.

let us know about, which city is the most polluted in the country,

Top 5 polluted cities in India:- GHAZIABAD

Ghaziabad is the most polluted city in India. after Diwali, on Tuesday AQI level was dropped to the worst day in the season. In this city, Loni is the most polluted areas. The AQI for this city was on records at 459 on Tuesday, whereas, on Monday AQI level was 396.

Top 5 polluted cities in India:- DELHI

In the capital city, you may feel more suffocated due to the smog present in the air. the slow wind speed which is having growing moisture in it, also helping the pollution level in increasing the PM rate. As per the reports, the wind coming from the Haryana state has a speed of 11Km per hour, this carries more carbon pollutants. Haryana and Punjab are known as India’s Breadbasket.

Top 5 polluted cities in India:- GURGAON

According to IQAir AirVisual and Greenpeace’s data, Gurgaon (NCR) is the world’s most polluted city. On Monday, the AQI level of Gurgaon was 372. In an assumption, it was the first very poor day of this season. Here, we have seen a spike of 24% of the pollution level. As the day before Diwali festival was quite clean and less-smog.

Top 5 polluted cities in India:- AGRA

Top 5 polluted cities in India

UP Pollution Control Board (UPPCB) report says, the air quality of City of Taj Mahal, Agra slipped from ‘Moderate’ to ‘Poor’. The PM 2.5 rate increased to 231 on the day after the festival. hence, Agra has the lowest concentration level of PM 2.5 among all the 11 cities in the state Uttar Pradesh

Top 5 polluted cities in India:- HYDERABAD

The AQI showed that the Hyderabad areas of Bollarum and Sanathnagar has the highest air pollution level i.e., 300 and 361. According to TSPCB Officials says, the average speed of the wind is 2.8 MTS per second, where on 27th October, the speed was around 0.5 MTS per second. This indicates poor dispersion.

Ayushi Tyagi: