Top 8 scariest things found on internet

While surfing we sometimes come across unusual things which may or may not be scary. Here is a list of scariest things on the internet:

1. Plane Crash Info

One of the scariest things on the internet is plane crashes. This is a website that offers transcriptions of flight passenger’s moments before their plane crash. The website has audio clips in mp3 format. It has photos of the crash,
details of famous people who were in a crash, last words of passengers, and a whole accidental database of the crash in the aviation industry.

2. Staggering Beauty

This site has no real purpose to exist. But it does, and no one knows why. All it does is making a black worm follow our mouse and when we move too fast, the worm starts
getting weird and begins raving.

3. Skyway Bridge Jumpers

This website keeps count of all the suicide happening on this particular bridge in the USA. It is creepy that someone is interested and obsessed with keeping the notes of
every single body that is falling down the bridge. Really dangerous and scariest things on the internet being shared on social media.

4. Simulation Argument

This website has tons of material such as researches, papers, studies and scientific reasons to explain that we humans are living in a computer simulation world. Once you start reading it, you will begin losing the sense of the real world which is so creepy. It will convince you that you are living in some parallel dimension controlled by some
computer power.

5. Time Cube

This website tries its best to explain to you that one single day is made up of 4 different days. It also tells children to kill those adults who are not ready to believe in this phenomenon. It is based upon Gene Ray’s personal model of reality and is very scary. He proclaimed himself as the ‘wisest man on earth’. It also targets gods, Christianity
and Americans in its texts.

6. World Deaths and Births

This website takes fear to another level by indicating real-time births and deaths taking place all over the world. This shows birth with green dots and deaths with red dots on
the screen as a whole at the same time. It has a virtual map going on the screen with red and green dots constantly appearing and vanishing. It also has all the continents listed below and the countries on the left side of the screen.

7. Zombo

This website tells you that you can look for anything at Zombo and it will show you what you want which is creepy and scary at the same time. It says you can do anything at Zombo without even specifying what it is that you want to do. There is a constant voice running in the background welcoming you to Zombo and saying “you can do anything at Zombo”. It is all pointless and scary because the voice sounds rather a villainy but has a clown voice.

8. Death Row

This website shows words coming out of the inmate’s right before their execution. The list is always updated and has the last words ever said by an inmate. There are many other websites that do the same thing such as goodbye warden and others. A website called ‘Ranker’ also provides the same. 

Chetan Mittal: