Top 10 Yoga Poses For Fat Loss And Obesity; Lose Inches With These

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Medhavi Singh
Medhavi Singh
Medical professional, Writer and an Author. Aspiring to merge three and lead science to a different parameter.
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Yoga Poses For Fat Loss: Obesity and an excess amount of fat is the major cause of the increased diseased condition and decreased productivity rate. People in order to treat their increased fat content try a bunch of stuff. But unfortunately, end up with no significant results. So for the ones who really are inclined towards fitness and want to get rid of their pathetic overweight condition. Listed are some of the best top 10 yoga poses for fat loss. Try each of them to attain visible results within a month.

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List Of Top 10 Yoga Poses For Fat Loss

1. Plank pose (phalakasana)


Either a full plank or a half plank pose both are very effective when it comes to belly fat reduction. Keep your body in a straight line lifted and try focusing on the belly section, keeping the area tight. Try holding posture for the maximum time, till your body manages to sustain the resistance. Practice this for 5 times in a go, and keep increasing your time as your resistance increases by increasing the amount of time. Thereby helping in better fat reduction.

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2. Bow pose (dhanurasana)

Bow pose

Not just your belly but along with it, this asana targets your back, hips, and shoulders. Thereby helping in toning the maximum portion of your body. All you have to do is lie on your stomach then try holding ankles with the respective hand and hold the pose for 20 sec or more depending your body strength. The stretch helps in burning the fat around these regions helping you in achieving your target of fat loss.

3. Triangle pose (trikonasana)

Triangle pose

This is one of the best yoga poses for fat loss. The asana targets on your lower obliques and the thigh region. Performing this yoga pose regularly helps in relieving your back ache by improving the blood circulation in the entire body. Increased blood circulation is directly proportional to fat loss. Therby this turns to be one of the best yoga poses for fat loss.

4. Bridge pose (setu bandha sarvangasana)

One of the best yoga poses for fat loss is this. Lie down on your back fold your knees, push your glutes upward with the help of your palms lying parallarly on the floor. Bring your upper body in a straight line forming a perfect right angle triangle. This yoga asana helps in toning muscles around your belly and glutes region, reduces hypertension due to increased blood flow. Thereby promoting rapid fat reduction.

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5. Downward facing dog pose (Adho mukha svanasana)

Yoga Poses For Fat Loss

This form of yoga asana targets  arms, glutes, thighs, hamstrings, and back. The stretch of the heels helps in carving the muscles of your glutes, thighs, and calves. Along with this it trains your back. Such a pose improves your overall blood circulation thereby helping in fat reduction.

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6. Chair pose

Yoga Poses For Fat Loss

This pose significantly target your glutes, quadriceps, and hamstrings. On holding this pose for more then 15-20 sec you feel burn in the above mentioned section. The increased blood flow, and tension in the muscles helps in escalated fat reduction of the particular section of your body. If you feel it hard doing it freely, you can take support of a wall initially. Practicing it consistently helps in great fat reduction of the targeted regions.

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7. Warrior I pose (virabhadrasana )

Yoga Poses For Fat Loss

THis yoga asana focuses on fat reduction of glutes, hamstrings, and your abdominal region. Stang straight, then one of your leg behind and shift your body behind along with the leg, then make right angle with the other leg, stretch your arms overhead and hold the pose for 20-30 sec. Switch legs that will complete your single set. Try doing this pose for 4-5 times in a go to see rapid results. As this turns to be one of the best yoga poses for treating obesity.

8. Boat pose

Boat Pose

Muscles of your abdomen are the target area of this yoga asana. Stay in this pose for the maximum time you can and repeat it at least five times. This is a killer asana for the ones who want to see rapid reduction of fat around the belly region. Along with training your abdominal muscles it complementarity reduces the fat around of your back. Hence this yoga is the best yoga pose for fat loss around your belly and back.

9. Standing forward bend pose (Uttanasana)

Yoga Poses For Fat Loss

This yoga asana specifically targets your abdominal muscles and hamstrings. Stand straight with a little bit distance between your feet. Raise your hands overhead and bring them down in a circular motion with exhalation. Try touching your feet with hands and your nose tip to the knee joint. Hold this pose for 10-15 second and repeat it for 3-4 times. practing this helps not just in your fat reduction but also helps in improving the digestion.

10. Upward facing dog pose

Yoga Poses For Fat Loss

This yoga pose targets your muscles of thee entire upper body, glutes, arms and muscles of your quadriceps. Lie down on your stomach and place your palms on the floor in line with your chest. Pull your upper body above and try stretch the upper section. This yoga asana helps in improving the overall blood circulation there by helping fat reduction and getting rid of obesity. The benefits of this asans is not limited to fat reduction it even helps in resolving every problem related to your gut system.

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To Sum Up

Consistency is the key, try these top 10 yoga poses for fat loss on a regular basis along with a good dietary intake as it will help in achieving long lasting, better, and faster reults. Follow these yoga asanas daily without fail at least for a month to see visible results in fat reduction. For more updates like these stay tuned to talepost.

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