TRIP PLAN : If you are going to plan a trip with your best buddies here are some tips which can make your trip more valuable and enjoyable.
Always select a company of that kind of persons who are similar with you like if you are vegetarian and non-alcoholic. Then never plan your tour with non-vegetarian and alcoholic guys or girls it can ruin your trip or you might not enjoy the trip as much as you long for.
If you are going with group you should not completely rely on crew. You must research and collect information about the place where you are going at your own. By doing this you can save your time and you visit those places where are formally known and famous.
Before going with a group always discuss the schedule with your group mates it is really necessary for your own sake otherwise you will regret it later because sometimes groups divided and started their own planning according to their close mates and as a result either you miss to visit most popular places or you miss the special programs which present on specific time.
planning at every level is the most important part of the trip from the beginning till the end of the trip.
Financial planning
Make a budget of the trip and divide into all initially so that rest of the time you can enjoy the trip.
Booking planning
Divide your booking on the basis of responsibilities. Take one responsible member out of the crew to do the journey bookings,
2nd one to book hotel bookings,
3rd one to local transport, and last one to do the eatable planning.
Don’t give all responsibilities to one member as this could result as cheating or loss of money.
Always try to gather a good memory of trip this will help you to make a new TRIP PLAN with the same group.
The more you follow TRIP PLAN tip the more you enjoy the trip.