Try these fitness apps to get fit during this lockdown

Fitness app for lockdown: Fitness is always what everyone desires for but time and money is what everyone complains about. Some demand for time, some desire for cheap resources and some for both. And as we all know that this Coronavirus spread has lead to a global lockdown. Then why waste this quarantine. This time should be utilized in the best possible way. Since you have time, you can work on your fitness. Moving out is not allowed so your home is where you can carve your outer and inner body.

Obviously, in the beginning, everyone needs a guide to guide them in the correct way and posture of performing an exercise. So you need not panic if you have no trainer or gym at home. There are ample of fantastic fitness apps for a workout which will provide you with their training sessions that will not only help you to gain fitness, rather it will turn you into a fitness pro.

Here we have a list of top 5 fitness app for lockdown. Which will be both fitness and cost-effective. Let us hop down to get acquainted with these apps.

Top 5 fitness app

Addidas running by Runtastic

Originally Runtastic was an Australian mobile fitness company. Which was lately in 2015 was bought by Addidas. It is a great activity tracker that combines traditional fitness techniques with modern gaming methods. It helps you to stay fit with a fresh session of workout every day. This app has logical sensing of your move. Further adjusts your workout accordingly. It can be downloaded by both Android and iOS users. Approximately more than 50 million have downloaded this app to date.

My Fitness Pal

It is an easy fitness app for all. It tracks both your diet and workout sessions. That helps you to get an entire fitness regime. It uses modern gaming techniques to motivate its users. So that achieving fitness goals is more fun than being boredom. At present more than 50 million people have downloaded this app. This can be used by both Android and iOS users.

Google fit

This app developed by Google helps you to get a record of your daily activity. With the help of sensors it helps you to track your activity like walking, running, cycling, etc. This helps you to set your target and move accordingly towards your expected goal. This app can be used by Android, Wear OS, and iOS users. This app has been downloaded by more than 50 million people.


This is the only app that merges the use of gym equipment along with its exercise schedule. But it is not necessary to have one, it comprises of 850 exercises which have a combination of both exercise with and without equipment. This can be used by Android, Wear OS, and iOS users. At present this has been downloaded by more than 1 million people.

Healthify Me

This app is one for all. tracks your food and water intake along with the workout routine. It helps you treating your various disorders. It helps you in boosting your immunity, reducing your fat, making you healthier. If you subscribe for the Premium package of it your get a personal trainer and a personalized set of diet for you. If followed properly works miraculously. At present this app has been downloaded by more than 10 million people. It can be downloaded by Android and iOS users.

These were a few of the best fitness app for lockdown. If one follows these apps persistently then fitness will be his or her prime achievement during this quarantine.

Medhavi Singh: Medical professional, Writer and an Author. Aspiring to merge three and lead science to a different parameter.