UP Police Recruitment 2018: Over 10 Lakh Candidates to re-appear for Constable Exam

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UP Police Recruitment 2018: The recent news about the UP police constable exam is nothing less than a shock for the aspirants of UP police recruitment examination. The examination was conducted on the 18th and 19th of June for over 41520 constables. The news has created a buzz amongst the candidates who appeared for the UP Police Recruitment 2018 examination.

Are you aware of the news? If sources are to be believed, the examination will be re-conducted by the board of UP Police Recruitment. The recent talks in the market are indicating that there happened some errors while conducting the exam. With the confirmation of this news, over 10 lakh candidates will have to re-appear for the examination.

The main reason behind this re-conduction is the fact that in the second shift of the exam, incorrect question papers were distributed. Although, the new dates for the examination are not decided yet, they will be announced soon. Also, the board of UP Police Recruitment is in no mood to spare the people who are responsible for this mistake. An FIR has been filed against the center supervisor and the agency representative, on the part of their mistakes.

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UP Police Recruitment Constable Examination: Apply Online Here

The examination was conducted at more than 800 centers. Many desiring candidates appeared for the examination. The mistake of distributing the wrong paper came into highlight after the completion of the entire exam. The exam papers for the second half were exactly the same as the one distributed in the first half across all of the examination center.

UP Police Recruitment Exam

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The candidates are requested to keep a check on the official website of the examination for getting all the recent updates. As the mistake was conducted in the second shift, the examination conducted in the morning is valid. The morning shift examination of the recruitment is valid and thus requires no alterations. It is only the examination that happened in the second half. As a precautionary measure, the second half examination happened on both the examination days is now invalid.

Amidst this buzz in the market, Tata Consultancy Service, popularly known as TCS denied all such complaints. They have claimed that they haven’t heard of any such complaint against them. Though, it would be interesting to see how TCS will react once knowing the complaint.

What are your views about the re-examination? Should the candidates suffer for the mistake of the examination supervisor? Leave us a comment, expressing your views and opinion on the same.

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