Valentine’s Week Alert: Valentine Week list 2019

February is known to be celebrated as a month of love as 14 February is Valentine’s Day. People all over the world celebrate this day with their loved one’s. The whole month of February smells like roses and love all around. This special day of love, every year comes after a Valentine’s week. This week of love and affection starts from 7th February.

Each day has marked its own story of Romance. Today, Talepost brings you the list of Valentine’s week with all the necessary details.

7 Days of Valentine’s Week

Rose Day- 7th February

This is the first days of Valentine’s week and it marks the starting of the week of love. On Rose day, people of every age group exchange rose with other people and confess their feelings and emotions for them. It is not only red rose but also yellow, pink, white and many more are exchanged to show their emotions. Hence, this Rose Day sureprise your loved ones, friends and family with a rose and heartfelt message.
Red Rose – I Love You
Yellow Rose- For Friendship
Pink Rose- Gracefulness and Admiration
White Rose- Innocense, Purity and Calm.

Propose Day- 8th February

This is one of the most important yet nervous day of any lover. It is so because, on propose day, people finally gain courage to confess their true love to the person they have always loves. One can definitely plan a date or a cute proposal for their Valentine and celebrate their love together.

Chocolate Day- 9th February

Chocolate is another name for happiness. On this day, people exchange chocolates with their loved ones and make them feel how special it is to have them. So, this valentine’s week be ready to buy and receive chocolates from your special someone.

Teddy Day- 10th February

On this day, you will see many lovers buying teddy for their loved ones and surprise them. Since a long time ago, gifting teddy to the person you love has been a tradition of expressing your love and care for them.

Promise Day- 11th February

10th February is the day marked for making promises of love and together to your special person. On this day, people promise to love each other for the time beyond.

Hug Day- 12th February

On Hug Day, all the lovers embrace each other in warm and tight hugs. They make each other realize how important they are in their lives. Therefore, this Valentine’s week don;t forget to hug your special someone and admit how much you love them.

Kiss Day- 13th February

After celebration the 6 amazing days of love with your loved ones, it is time for some romance. A kiss is a way of letting someone know, how much you admire them and what they mean to you.

Valentine’s Day- 14th February

The wait if finally over, and the day of love has arrived. On 14 February people celebrate the emotion called love and the bond they share with their partners. In today’s date it is not only for girls and boys. Rather this day is celebrated with all the people you love, be it friends or even family.

What are your plans for this week of love??? Talepost wishes all its reader a very good luck for all the upcoming days and lots of love.

Gargi Rohatgi: